Hey guys, it's been awhile. I just wanted to pop in and see how 64d's been and looks like it's not doing so hot.
I'm not here to stay but i hope you guys can pull out of all this little ditch.Anyway, besides this whole bit of drama, what have i missed?
explosions. xD
You missed even more drama. And more drama before that. And a really awesome prank.
In one word: Phail.
Okay, a decompiler was released.
So GearGOD was demodded.Then, he hacked.Then, v3 screenshots were released.Then, explosions.=)You're…*cough*…alive? *hack*
64D's new motto, explosions+fail=WIN.
We've followed it pretty rigorously.Huh so i see. I heard that you guys brought back that old userlogin or whatever prank and the xmas stuff i started last year. Kudos. And also the news of my death is greatly exaggerated. I believe sk8 thinks this?
Hey, it's nice to see you checking in. 'Twas a pleasant surprise to see you had commented on my blog.
They told me you were dead >___> Got hit by some crazy mod killer. Boy am I glad to see you :D