Well so it's been ages since i posted here. I'm thinking about making one last game in GM just to get me back into the mindset of programming. I haven't written or even looked at code for anything in nearly two years and i'm planning to get started with C++ in my spare time while i learn Engineering and suffer through a Pre-Med track and eventually mix it all together after 8 or so years of schooling. Just my thoughts. And jeez can you believe i joined the GMC forum in October '03? Holy shit time has passed.
It's been awhile...
Posted by chiggerfruit on Aug. 7, 2009, 8:16 p.m.
15 years, 5 months ago
Quote: chiggerfruits
i'm planning to get started with C++ in my spare time while i learn Engineering and suffer through a Pre-Med track and eventually mix it all together