HvZ Day 6

Posted by colseed on Oct. 18, 2011, 9:44 p.m.

Another brief blog, 'cause I be procrastinatin' working on linear algebra problems..

For those who don't know, Humans vs Zombies (HvZ) is a game played frequently on college campuses in which everyone except one person starts as a "human". The excepted one person is designated the OZ (original zombie) and starts the infection by tagging humans to turn them into zombies. The human-to-zombie conversion cycle perpetuates from there: humans turned into zombies try to turn other humans into zombies by chasing/tagging them, and so on, until everyone is either zombified or dead (because zombies starve to death if they don't tag/eat someone every 48 hours). Humans can defend themselves by shooting the zombies with foam darts (lolNerfblasters), hitting them with thrown socks, or simply running faster than the zombies do. Human/zombie status is signified by wearing a bandanna - humans wear their bandanna on the arm, zombies on the head. Play occurs on campus outside of buildings at all times unless a pause is declared by the moderators, and so you end up with a bunch of paranoid humans running between classes clutching bright yellow-and-orange guns and looking absolutely ridiculous, but it's such great fun that after a while no one cares.

(there's also missions to make things extra interesting, but the official site probably explains things better)

For the game on my college's campus, there's usually 700+ people playing, and maybe 30 of those generally end up as zombies the first day.

This semester's game? 450 people playing, 100+ zombies the first day.


Note that one of my friends who became the 12th zombified ended up as such because he got bored in the morning and wanted to start shooting some zeds already, so went zombie hunting with a six-shooter. Then he runs out of bullets and gets tagged - when he was carrying a 35-round rifle on his back the entire time.

Long story short, tomorrow is the 7th and last day, I'm still human, and all my friends are zombies.

Also tomorrow is the day when I have classes all over campus.

And I have to last from 7am to 6pm to get to the Last Stand mission

and oh god it's going to be a total clusterf–

Ima stop now before I start panicking. lol.

and I hope that wasn't a total waste of time for anyone who read this…so uhh…yeah

EDIT: actually that was a kinda decent-sized blog wasn't it

EDIT 2: also still trying to work on S4D…guh


JID 13 years, 3 months ago

lol, awesome.

colseed 13 years, 3 months ago

I think the most awesome bit so far was when 3 zombies chased me down half the academic mall to the back of humanities, with me shooting two of them at point blank 20ft away from the door (while still running)

But apparently there was also a mission where the humans won because all the zombies ignored the two people who were completing objectives and instead routed the main human force…lol

Rob 13 years, 3 months ago

I can't be the only one expecting some kind of H_____ vs Zerg StarCraft game matchup….

colseed 13 years, 3 months ago

you might be…but they're all so quiet
