would you like to crawl into my dungeon?

Posted by death on July 29, 2011, 6:23 p.m.

a screenshot of my first-person dungeon crawler RPG game. it's only been 2 weeks since i started this one and i've got more work done on it than any of my previous RPGs. after my 2 weeks of not having electricity, i got such a craving for programming than when i finally got my power back on, i went GM-Crazy lol.

a little bit about this game:

it's a combination of ideas from previous RPG projects i've worked on. it'll have a 4 character party, all of which you get to name and create. characters do not have a particular class, nor do they have any limitations on equipment or skills. the leveling system is based on the number of times you perform actions. there is no general level, only individual stats. if you want a good mage character, have them cast spells every battle =P

like any dungeon crawler, this game will be filled with dungeons, forests, deadly caves and such. this game also has a unique life system and combat system. developed to be more like a strategy game, strategy will be most important, not just stats or equipment as there will be little need for this. so training won't be necessary, unless your tactics are weak lol. i'll give more details on the battle system when it's fully functional.


aeron 13 years, 5 months ago

Nice, so its a crawler but not necessarily a hack-n-slash? I'd like to try this out ;)

ND4SPD 13 years, 5 months ago

Sounds good! Will the party members just follow along behind your character? Can you switch between characters? And how do you envisage the battles playing out? RT or turnbased?

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 5 months ago


death 13 years, 4 months ago

lol yeah the title was fun =P

no not really a hack-n-slash, and the combat will be turn-based but played in a style similar to strategy RPG's. the player gets their turn, chooses commands for all 4 characters, the characters perform those actions, then it goes to the enemy-party's turn, they complete their turn, than back to you. the commands of your characters effect the stats of your characters during the enemy's turn.

the commands aren't just "attack, item, magic, etc" but instead are different ways of fighting, such as: "charge, evade, defend, etc" so if you choose "charge" your character will do 100% atk but defense is dropped to 50%, or if you choose "evade" your character doesn't attack, but instead speed goes up to 200% to increase the chance of dodging and countering the enemy. it's really fun and i'm hoping it's going to turn into a powerful strategy/rpg game =]