In todays news-
i missed school today and didnt go on the feild trip do to my neck not letting me look left, it hurts really bad o_O pitty me. Mr. T does.-On another note-havent been doing much in GM latley..kinda lazy, gunna work on gettin my grades up first.-More Notes-we started a "WTF-ABLE" chat in the chat-room started by REZ where we pretty much begged FSX for a 'Bag O Shit' badge{only handed out by REZ} but he denied us )': –But i refuse to let FSX get to me with his supiriority{spelling} so i made a shit badge for myself. check it out.Notice: This isnt a serious topic, it never was..just some fun we did to resist FSX [:D]
elmernite it was a joke thing, we did it for no reason based on a chatroom talk..its not serious, and i disagree about the kiddy thing. what about the lesbian badge?.
yea WTF is up with that?