1500 downloads + new stuffs coming

Posted by djrellik on April 13, 2007, 6:32 p.m.

First of all, I'm happy to see that my engine got to 1500 downloads todays. I really want to thanks all people who tried it. I'm also writting this to say to tell people to not worry, that the engine is still in development. You should expect to see some new stuffs soon. There is relatively a lot of things that have been done since the last version. So far what I can say that this engine will include:

*unregistered users friendly

*fully functional map screen

*fully functional raccoon suit system

*Working slopes, thanks a lot to turdfuguson who did most of the job for me

*improved camera system

*fully functional score system with score increment and 1up

*red koopa and near perfect paragoomba

*A level 1 identical to the original game (for comparison purpose ;))

*Working p-switches

*And many minor fixes such as sprites animations that weren't correct and some little fixes in the engine to make it even more perfect

Well, it might not seem like a lot to some, but I actually worked a lot on it compared to what I used to. Remember that I don't always have the time for that but that I really want to finish it. Also the fact that I wanted everything as close to the original that I could, didn't help either.

So, I think I should be able to release a new version soon, like in 2 weeks or maybe less. I'll try to make a video of the current gameplay in the next few days. Be sure to check it out.

edit: oh, here my youtube account http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=djrelllik

<a href="javascript: add_friend('djrellik')" class="no_underline" id="friend_cmd"><img src="../images/plus.gif" style="border: 0px none ;"> click me :(</a>


djrellik 17 years, 10 months ago

lol sure I can, If only I could know everyone that have added me to his friend list. I feel bad having 12 friends but knowing only 1(now 2) of them XD

Xxypher 17 years, 2 months ago

Ah, I cannot wait for this update. It will make me joyess… and happy and stuff.