I'd be so happy... if I was emo

Posted by drspazz on April 10, 2008, 9:33 p.m.

Alas, I'm not emo. "I'd be so happy… if I was emo" is what I came up with to describe how I felt after a failed (a pass or fail) exam at college. The oxymoron brings a smile to my face whenever I remember it and sort of describes my depression that grows with every resume that fails to get me a programming, never mind game programming, job.

Title aside, I'm much too happy of a person to rant so negative, so…

On to more positive, nostalgic topics though. I dug around my external hardrive and was rather surprised by some of the items I found. Formost were the various versions of Game Maker installers that I found, ranging from 5.3A to 6.1 Beta. I might even be able to find 4.x exe if I dug around enough. Not much in itself since you can get all of the installers I found from Marks website (save for the 6.1 Beta), but I also found my registation keys for 6.x and 7.0 in a file.

Now I knew that I had regisered GM back before 6.0 came out and that I had printed a copy of the email, fortunatly (or unfortuanatly) I keep a lot of stuff and was able to track the paper down in a matter of minutes. So for old times sake I installed 5.3A and 6.1 and regestered them. Then I figured, what the heck, I'll try installing 7.0 with the registation key I never got working. Well I installed it and after some work I got it registered. Turns out that when I had YoYo give me upgrade to 7.0 they took the liberty of not using my name for the registration (at this point I imagine everyone upgrading got the exact same code), my name was YOY, no wonder trying to use my name gave me the fail message.

So at this point I have three versions of GM regestered, so I decide to dig through the various games that I downloaded over the years. Found two versions of Bacteria 2 (H Unit and eo) added to the (sadly) GM7 version I have currently, the GM7 is almost twice the size of the older versions. If you haven't played Bacteria 2 yet, go download it, it's one of the best stratedgy/puzzle games I've come across. I also found several Shawn64 (god rest) creations. Multiple wonderful things from Dark Sirrus Games. And many other gems that make GM such a wonderful gift.

Meh.. guess that that.


mesenberg 16 years, 10 months ago

yeah, bacteria 2 is good.

melee-master 16 years, 10 months ago

Gotta love nostalgia.

xXBenXx 16 years, 10 months ago

Stereotyping T_T

Alert Games 16 years, 10 months ago

i played it a long time ago

OBELISK 16 years, 10 months ago

Stereotyping T_T

drspazz 16 years, 10 months ago

I wouldn't exactly call it stereotyping. Sure emo can refer to music and fashions generally associated with it. But in my case I'm using it to refer to seriously depressed people, it's like calling "crazy" a stereotype.