Change of plans

Posted by drspazz on Sept. 6, 2005, 10:23 a.m.

Well if anyone noticed my first entry, I said that I would have a game done in about a week. The badnews is that a few days later I broke both bones in my lower leg in half (the tibia & fibia). This really sucks because I haven't really had access to a computer until now, it threw off my release and messed up my being able to go to florida (making me postpone my starting date at Full Sail).

But, my recovery is coming alone good and I will put in an effort to get my game out. Ah well, it happens, just gotta deal with it.


I'll tell you what happend. Chillin by the pool and made a stupid mistake at the diving board, one foot missed in my attempted flip, the other one landed on the edge, I heard a huge CRACK, fell in realizing it wasn't the diving board that had broke, swam up and got a ride to the hospital, longest half an hour drive of my life.


firestormx 19 years, 5 months ago

Sorry to hear about your leg.

What did you do to it?

twisterghost 19 years, 5 months ago

sorry dude. get well soon