How the Hinch Stole Christmas

Posted by elmernite on Dec. 24, 2006, 9:06 a.m.

First off I want to say Merry Christmas.

Now, my brother rewrote almost the entire How The Grinch Stole Christmas Story for a minigame of mine. The game should be posted here soon, until then go here

But here is the full version of my brothers story. (I had to shorten it for the mini game)

Every Blob

Down in Blob-ville

Liked Christmas a lot…

But the Hinch,

Who lived just North of Blob-ville,

Did NOT!

The Hinch hated Christmas!

The whole Christmas season!

Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.

So, he stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Blobs,

Staring down from his cave with a sour, Hinchy frown

At the warm lighted town in Blob-ville beneath

Was busy now, hanging a mistle-Blob wreath.

Then the Hinch thought, "I must stop this whole thing!

"Why for three-hundred years I've put up with it now!

I MUST stop Christmas from coming!

…But HOW?"

Then he got an idea!

An awful idea!



"I know just what to do!" The Hinch laughed in his throat.

He made armies of Hinch-men with big brown coats.

He made armies of penguins, and evil snowmen

Armies of icebergs and snails, and THEN?

Why, the Hinch loaded them up in his Hinch-mobile,

And snuck down to mountain to sleepy Blob-ville.

All their windows were dark; quiet snow filled the air.

All the Blobs were dreaming sweet dreams without care.

Then, with some old empty sacks he had already packed,

He sent his Henchy army sneaking in with the sacks.

He sent in his penguins, admits the snowing,

In went his snails, his snowmen and

His Hinch-men with axes for throwing!

Taking their sacks, they started to pack

All the Blobs in Blob-Ville into their gunnysacks!

They packed all the Globs, they packed all the Hobs!

They packed all the fat folk, all the Hob-Globs!

All of them, all of them, sacked and packed.

Not one did they leave, not one Blob un-sacked.

EXCEPT for one Blob, the smallest of all.

Now why did they leave the smallest Blob of all?

It was not on purpose, you can be assured.

Leaving one Blob could cause a rupture!

Hinch’s sneaky plan could possibly fall away,

It could possibly be the end of his Hinchy heigh-day!

So, we ask once again:

Why did the he leave the smallest Blob of all?

Why did he not take everyone of them, all?

Why? Perhaps because Bob the Blob wasn’t there.

He wasn’t in the hall, he wasn’t on the stairs.

He wasn’t out riding Nelly-Bell, his speckled mare.

No, Bob was in the kitchen, getting a glass of water!

After his glass of water, Bob went back to his room.

Up the stairs and past the hall closet full of brooms.

Into his room he shared with all of his brothers,

Into his room across from his father and mother’s.

What a sight it must have been for poor Bob to see

The beds upturned and the fallen Christmas tree.

The fallen Christmas tree, and the thrashed mistle-Blob wreath!

Then, in the still of the dark gloomy night,

Bob let out a sound, but not one of fright!

Neither did it sound like a white dove’s coo.

That’s a sound only made by a Who!

No, it wasn’t a Who’s coo,

but something more.

Something more like a Blob’s “WHAHOO!â€?

Jumping out the window, he ran like a flare.

He went to the barn, and whistled up his speckled mare.

Jumping on its back, he rode out in the night.

Rode out into the night with all his Blob might!

But can the smallest Blob of all save them all?

Can the smallest Blob, inside his heart, actually be the

tallest of them all?

Only you can decided, only you can see,

By taking the controls of your mighty PC!

Be brave, be strong, be mighty, be Bloby!

And send that evil Hinch crying to his mommy!

Once Bob the blob gets posted on 64 digits don't forget to play it and rate it.

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas!



Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

Hehe, that's a pretty damn good(and long :P) story.

I think it will pwn in your game. :)


flashback 18 years, 2 months ago

Next person to post an edited version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas will be SHOT.

elmernite 18 years, 2 months ago


Hey, mine was done last year. So in that sense mine was first.


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

Next person to post an edited version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas will be SHOT.
Ay Carumba.

AthamX 18 years, 2 months ago

Can I do the shooting? It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside

flashback 18 years, 2 months ago

Yes you may.

KaBob799 18 years, 2 months ago

Bob is such a generic blob name =p

tylerthemiler 18 years, 2 months ago

Nice, I'm on the boss right now. Incredibly frustraiting though…I like the Christmas theme.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Polystyrene Man
Ay Carumba.
It's "Ay caramba."

Alx 18 years, 2 months ago

I played the 64 version gave it an 8 and left a comment.