Cell Burst Tag Lines

Posted by elmernite on Jan. 16, 2007, 8:57 a.m.

With the recent release of the early alpha of Cell Burst going over so well. I thought now might be a good time to try and get some tag lines for Cell Burst.

Here's what I have so far.

Does Your Cell Burst?

Thanks to my brother for this one. I really like this one and will most likely use it. Unless I get better ones.

What Color Do You Bleed?

I loved this one, but it is also the tagline for gatorade. So I don't want to use that one.

Now come on people. Some of you can come up with some great ideas I'm sure. Give them to me. Before you try and come up with any I advise you try the game. You can find it in my games list.

Just so this doesn't get tagged.

Whats the story behind your user name?

Mine is a completely fictional name made up for a story I was writing. It's been my username for ages.

Although I had the username Co-pilot for a while before that. That was ages ago though.



tylerthemiler 18 years ago

Good point, finding drivers for Music Creator. I'll at least send you a sample tonight.

elmernite 18 years ago


How would the walls of laser only work if the shooter got hurt?


frenchcon1 18 years ago

blood is blue in space because there is no oxygen.

that is why the veins on the back of your hands are blue.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

im frenchcon1 because i needed a nickname for runescape (yeah, i used to play it, etc…), so i thought about french connection UK, which is a clothes shop.

its catchy.

tylerthemiler 18 years ago

Maybe set a certain amount of time before his own lazers hurt him. Walls of lazers will dominate on multi if you can't get hurt by your own. I sent the first song. :)

elmernite 18 years ago


Yeah, you have a point.


Crane-ium 17 years, 12 months ago

Well, I have no clue what you would look for exactly for a tag line, but I would like to say that i Loved your game that you made.

elmernite 17 years, 12 months ago



abacus 17 years, 12 months ago

Ive only ever had two usernames, Llamalude and abacus

abacus sounds more mature and professional, so i use that now.

elmernite 17 years, 12 months ago

abacus sounds much better.
