"Random Segments of Code"

Posted by elmernite on Oct. 16, 2007, 4:47 p.m.

This is the random stuff blog.<br><br>First: Thanks DF for fixing the rating system and everything else you've been doing! It gives one hope for v3 again! You've just been awesome!<br><br>Second: My sister got a new computer, of course it was running Vista. The first time I really got a good (or maybe bad?) chance to work with the system. I really hate it. I would love if I never had to use it, but I'm sure once I get my own computer it will come with vista.<br><br>Third: Who thinks DF doesn't get enough praise?<br><br>Fourth: School work keeps me from working on my game, but not so much because of the work load as it is just working in front of the computer. After doing all of that work in front of the computer the last thing I want to do is do it some more.<br><br>Fifth: Cell Burst<br><br>Sixth: Kingdom Hearts 2<br><br>Seventh: Who here thinks Cell Burst is still coming?<br><br>Eighth: I format all of my blogs in html so they look correct on my site.<br><br>Ninth: Who can can tell me where the quote for the blog title comes from?<br><br>Tenth: ……<br><br>http://www.kenginegaming.com<br>-Elmernite


elmernite 17 years, 4 months ago

@ Tyler: Pretty much. Well, it's that darned online that gets me. I may take a brief break, (Won't be longer than a month) to enter a gm competetion.

@ Kaz: Yeah, it's great!


Distortion 17 years, 4 months ago

I don't know but I hope cell burst is still coming. The WIP was so awesome!!!

BTW the Dutch consumers organisation to boycot of Vista. But I won't work all new computers come with vista.

mesenberg 17 years, 4 months ago

Eleventh: blah

elmernite 17 years, 4 months ago

It's still coming, I'm just putting it aside for a month. (Will explain in next blog, expect it very soon)

Yeah! Mesenberg posted!
