Coming to a download near you!

Posted by elmernite on Nov. 20, 2007, 1:49 p.m.

In fact, It's here.<br>Element Mine<br>My gm race comp entry.<br><br>There's the gmc topic for now. I've submitted it to 64digits and it's 14th in the queue so You'll have to wait a little while before it makes it here. In the mean time, start playing and submitting highscores so your name will be on the top. <br><br>I'll comment with a link to an outside-of-game highscores list as soon as I get them set up.<br><br><br>Whats next you ask? <br.Well….. I'll save that for a later blog. For the moment however, I think I plan on writing an article for gmtech. What I do next is kinda based off of that article. <br><br>Of course, with the end of the semester fast approaching, I'm a little busy. Planing next semester and studing and all of that good stuff. So, I'll try and update you as to what is going on, but I'll be pretty busy.<br><br>That's all for today!<br>-Elmernite


Ferret 17 years, 3 months ago

hmmm i got on the highscore but i didn't know how to enter my name, it just went to the menu… how do i put in my name?

elmernite 17 years, 3 months ago

After you died, Didn't it take you to a screen that showed the highscores? You enter your name there.


elmernite 17 years, 3 months ago

Here we go, I got the highscores set up.


tylerthemiler 17 years, 2 months ago

Very fun! I actually really liked it. Nice music by the way.

High score! Second place all time.

elmernite 17 years, 2 months ago


Unfortantly I'm out of the comp already, I lost the first head to head against Elements of Escape.


Distortion 17 years, 2 months ago

CoOl Game. Liked it a lot. (like all your other games)
