
Posted by elmernite on Dec. 6, 2007, 1:28 p.m.

I'm out of the gmrace comp already! [:)]

I lost my first round of head-to-head against Elements of Escape. You can check out my game on yoyogames http://www.yoyogames.com/games/show/16832

It's here on 64digits as well but the front page was broken when I submitted it. So now I don't know if it will get on the front page or not.<br><br>So where from here?<br>Finish finals first of all. Then it's back to Cell Burst, with one major most likely disappointing fact. Cell Burst will no longer have online play. (I say no longer like I had made it already, trust me, I hadn't.)<br><br>Why?<br>Well, I wrote an article why which will be in the tenth Gmtech mag. So you can read that and it pretty much sums up why. But just so you have it here: In short, I don't consider it worth the work and effort for the little bit of use you will get out of the online. So, I've decided that in the intrest of getting the game out rather than have it remain vaporware forever I should cut the online. I know, you wanted it so bad, and You'll no doubt say we would have used it so much! But in a few months the online would have died right out. (Just like JakeX's and FredFredrickson's online games)<br><br>Finals.<br>I'm almost done with finals. Math and Networking is really all I have left. So come the 13th I will be done with my first semester at college. Then, of course, I'll have to start getting ready for my spring semester. (Which I think will be harder than my fall one was.) So hopefully I will be able to get alot of work done on Cell Burst during that time and I will won't have too much left once spring semester starts.<br><br>-Elmernite


tylerthemiler 17 years, 2 months ago

No online!

But its true. It would have died out fast.

elmernite 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah,Thats why I decided it had to go. It wasn't worth thr time I was putting into in.


Distortion 17 years, 2 months ago

I agree with you elmernite.

Although it would be really cool to have online multiplayer. I'm not sure if it would die out that soon. I still play the demo when I've got nothing to do and I've showed it to my friends and they found it really cool as well.

But yeah, it would die out eventualy and online is a lot of extra work

elmernite 17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks, it great to see people agreeing with me. And I agree I'm sure it would get a few months of play. But the game wouldn't have come till summer.(Maybe longer)

As it stands now, I'm rapidly coming closer to finishing it.
