Rosetta Stone

Posted by elmernite on Feb. 23, 2008, 2:49 p.m.

Well, I guess I stayed mum about it long enough. My next project, and the one for the YoYogames ancient civilizations comp is called Rosetta Stone. The name has meaning as well, Wikipedia Rosetta Stone. I have to thank my brother for the name, once I told him the concept of the game he thought up of the name. I like how it has meaning and I think it just sounds cool.

It’s a little outside of my normal style, It’s a word game. You try and spell words with the letters and get points for the longer words you spell. However, It has a rather unique twist. Rather than racing a clock like most word games. There are two stacks of letters on a scale. You have to spell the words using letters from either stack, but you need to keep the scale stable. How about I just show a screen shot?


There, how does that look!

Of course, I plan on having different blocks fall. I am accepting ideas…

Ones I have so far.

Normal Blocks (Basic) Weight value of 1

Heavy Blocks (Same as normal on heavier) Weight value of 3

Exploding Blocks (If not use after so long it explodes taking some of the blocks around it with it.) Weight value of 1

What else? I’m sure I’ll come up with some more, but your feedback is always welcome.

At the moment it is functioning. It can search the word database and it only accepts words 3 letters or longer. If it’s wanted I could release a public alpha release.

Another thing I started doing is keep I kinda dev log/dev journal going. Basic each day I write down what I did on my game that day. (Worked on a background, added an object, ect…) I find it helps me stay focused and working on the game. If I go a day and put nothing, it makes me want to be able to add something the next day. I just started it on last Monday. I thought about posting the Dev logs at the end of each week so you all could keep up with what I’m doing. But I didn’t really know if anyone would care to read them. The don’t really get in depth about the how I do it, it’s more of just a list of things accomplished.

Well, that’s all for now.



edmunn 17 years ago

Looks like a good project you've got going there, good luck in finishing it!

Omega_Squid 17 years ago

Awesome design. I can't finish anything anymore! >_<

RetroX 17 years ago

Awesome game. Sprites are nice, and it looks fun! =D

SquareWheel 17 years ago

Sounds fun. How about adding a helium block, with a weight of -1?

F1ak3r 17 years ago

Or a melee_master block, with a weight of… never mind. You'd spend then entire competition time just typing out his weight.

JoshDreamland 17 years ago

Looks very professional.

Cpsgames 17 years ago

Sounds Good..

Cesque 17 years ago

Interesting idea.

elmernite 16 years, 12 months ago

Thanks for all the feed back! Hopefully I can get an alpha demo out to you guys in the not so distant future.

@ SquareWheel: Well, I had though of a - value block, but it raises a number of problematic issues. I most likely won't use that one. Thanks though!

The game will also contain another mode which I won't exlain here, I'll save that for some other blog.


Alert Games 16 years, 12 months ago

Looks great graphically, and is a great idea, though it looks a little bit easy…

id have to play it :)