gamez93 exclusive interview

Posted by elmernite on July 26, 2008, 7:40 p.m.

Here we go again! Another exclusive interview. This time it is with the GMTech founder gamez93. If you don't know what GMTech magazine is….. what rock have you been under?

No, seriously, here is a link if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

GMTech Magazine


1) Why did you decide to start GMTech?

I had been part of several other magazines in the past, and saw them all fail. I believe that I had more determination to make it work. So I went for it, this is my second attempt at making a Game Maker magazine and this time it worked out well.

2) You have quite a team, how well do you all work together?

The team is built up of people I have worked with before and people I previously never heard of. 'gmjab' and 'rup13' are two key team members, I had worked with them before on a magazine and have helped get the magazine to this stage.

There are a lot of newer members who are part of the team. All of whom do a great job in making sure that magazine is at a top quality stage.

3) Do you see GMTech extending into other areas? A news show (Like GMTV) or a news blog. You already have a wiki.

GMTech can be used for pretty much anything we wish to. We have a GMTech Magazine, we could turn around and do GMTech Hosting. For now I will stick to just a magazine, but if a good idea comes around I will think about it.

4) How far ahead do you normally run? When issue 13 comes out are you already working on 14? 15? Perhaps even 16?

We are always a few steps ahead. Things like exclusives have to be sorted out and these can take around two months to sort out. Currently Issue 13 is nearing competition and work has already began on Issue 14. I am already planning for Issue 15.

5) On to issue 13, do you feel that this one is better than the last issue?

Issue 13 is going to be smaller than Issue 12 in terms of content, however just as good in quality. We always try and reach a good balance of quality content and enough content, to appeal to all the readers.

6) Could you give us a rough release date for issue 13? (It can be as vague as you wish)

As I am going on a short holiday, it will be released early next month. While I am away the rest of the team will be working hard on the issue, so it will be as good as the rest.

7) GMTech has come a long way from it's early magazines. (Of which I have all of them) Do you see this trend continuing farther into the future.

The longer the magazine is around the better, I am hoping that we will continue to achieve new achievements and excel with the magazine. But the only way to do that is if we have content, which is why we are constantly looking for new team members to help and make the magazine even better.

8) Do you ever see the possibility of actually becoming a printed magazine? Would you do it if you had enough pledged subscribers?

If enough people really want it, we can look further into doing it. It would take a lot more work to get right, so don't expect anything so soon.

9) Anything else you wish to say about GMTech, issue 13, etc..?

Issue 14 - We are proud to be the first GM publication to present a feature length exclusive with YYG. If you can think of some questions you'd like asked, simply make a topic in the special "YoYo Special" sub-forum on the main GMTech forums.

The issue will also contain several articles about YYG, as well as the usual stuff of exclusives, reviews, tutorials and news.

Make sure you join the mailing list, so you don't miss all of this in Issue 14.

I hope that you all continue to support the whole team as we continue to try and make GMTech the best it can be.


End of line

I would like to thank gamez93 for doing this interview with me. I wish him the absolutely best of luck on GMTech and his other future endeavors, whatever they may be.




mesenberg 16 years, 7 months ago

I love gmtech's professional feel, they definatly have stood the test of time.

RC 16 years, 7 months ago


Bryan 16 years, 7 months ago

Who is going to be interviewed next?

gamez93 16 years, 7 months ago

@Hyperion - In some cases it does. When you release a game, you need to publicise it in order to gain more downloads and get some more comments. One way is posting it on sites like this, another is submitting it to a magazine like GMTech.

There are also several other ways to advertise, but I am not going to get into those.

elmernite 16 years, 7 months ago

So true RC!

I don't know Bryan. I just kinda go about my normal business until I see something, and see if I can interview the creator of it.

Very nice point gamez93!



Distortion 16 years, 6 months ago

Interview yourself!

elmernite 16 years, 6 months ago

Ha Ha! That's a great idea Distortion! I just might do that….
