Lots of crazy and random things

Posted by elmernite on Oct. 6, 2008, 12:53 p.m.

First off, sorry for not blogging in a long time. Oh well. I've started up and stopped about five or six projects in past few months. Still waiting for that one project that clicks. A lot of the time I feel like this.

I'll never get it

College is going fine. I should be typing up this really boring C# “programâ€? right now. I use the term “programâ€? loosely. It's a console “programâ€? that takes a number, checks to make sure it is between two values, and ask them to keep entering it as long as it isn't between the two values. It's really basic stuff. It is supposed to teach us loops. Let me finish typing that program and get it out of the way. It's due Monday.

Crazy random stuff.

No wonder no one wants to upgrade to windows service pack three. It takes 950717 steps! Just to upgrade to Service pack three, how many does it take to upgrade to vista?[:)]

950717 Steps!

Still haven't finished getting my site fully standards compliant. I have the first page or so finished I just need to do the other eight and upload them.

Hmm.. Tell you truth, I thought I had more crazy awesome things to tell you. I guess I don't. Anyone read the Dragon Back books by Timothy Zahn? Awesome books so far. I've read the first four; I only have two more left. Cannot wait to get them. Got a lava lamp for my birthday and a few cd's. Pretty sweet stuff! The lava lamp is a cool blue/green/yellow-ish. Other than school and work that is pretty much all that I've been doing.


Ok, first off, I normally write these blogs over a few days. I started this one late on Wednesday. I did school all Thursday, but I was going to post it on Friday, but something happened.

Well, on my way back from work, While turning off of a hwy on to the road I live on, the person behind me didn't stop. So, I was in my first ever wreck where I was the one driving. Of course, it's not my fault and all, but it was a great way to end the day, let me tell you. Luckly, my car wasn't damaged super bad. (I say my car, it's my parents and we have insurance and all) It's a van and the car that hit me was a small car. No one was hurt.


Borrowed my friend's (he's my manager actually) xbox 360. He has around ten games; the only one I borrowed is Halo 3. It's a good bit of fun. I'll bet anything I've got the coolest manager on 64digits. He owns a sweet tv, a xbox 360, and drives a motorcycle. A sweet blue decked out bike. He's pretty cool. We (me, the manager, his brother, and a co worker) might get together and play the Halo storyline on legendary. How many managers would do that?

Otherwise, life is like the Duracell battery, it's just keeps going and going.

As soon as I start to get any games that I'm really gonna finish, I'll post'em.



Kenon 16 years, 4 months ago

Isn't it the Energizer battery you're talking about?

V 16 years, 4 months ago

Was the car you hit a green honda?

elmernite 16 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I was tired when I wrote that Kenon.

Nope a yellow something or another.

I knew that Cyrus, it was a joke. They could set it up better. It reads like that is the number of steps. That was why I put the smiley.

Typing from in class!


V 16 years, 4 months ago

Mmm, I got hit by someone saturday, the guy that hit me drove off. Only a dent though, thankfully.

Distortion 16 years, 4 months ago

School methods fail in trying to teach you programming.

I've spend 2 semesters learning java. We only got to arrays and we're not going any further.

Why can't we learn good stuff?

elmernite 16 years, 4 months ago

I know, Most of my classes this semester are extremely boring. I might learn a little bit, not much.

I do plan on using my new found C# skills to see what I can do in XNA.


tylerthemiler 15 years, 10 months ago

Hey elmernite! How's it going?? I haven't been on here in like 2 years.