Dead Rising 2

Posted by factnfiction101 on Sept. 30, 2010, 7:11 p.m.

I got this game today from GameFly. It's great so far, the game mechanics are a lot like part 1. The main character doesn't walk like he has diarrhea this time, and he doesn't have a camera. Combining stuff to make weapons is cool.


Ferret 14 years, 5 months ago

I just don't like how you can walk through the zombies like it's assassin's creed :(

JID 14 years, 5 months ago

You know what's gonna be awesome?


It has Zombie BEARS in it for christ's sake.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Zaron's zombie mole, imo.

Cesar 14 years, 5 months ago

I have 18 hours invested in it. I haven't played at all today.

It's THAT addicting. I got it on Steam and holy fuck do I love it.

factnfiction101 14 years, 5 months ago

You can't walk thru zombies like it's assassin's creed :|

Cesar 14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah you can't. You can dodge pretty well, but eventually one of them will latch on to you. Besides, if they weren't easy to dodge, finding survivors and then getting to psychopaths would be pretty much impossible.

Btw, lightsaber and wingman are my favorite weapons, the BFG is pretty sweet too

factnfiction101 14 years, 5 months ago

The zombies grab you now and then, some also attack you. It isn't easy, and trying to rescue survivors while going forward with the story is really tough. I can see someone playing it and thinking it's easy because the zombies don't grab you all of the time, I understand that.

Anyway, I screwed up and didn't make it back in time (7am - 8am thing), but I had 2 survivors, so it wasn't a waste. I'm trying to get as much PP as I can so the next time around it won't be as tough.

I had a construction site zombie fall right behind me, scared the hell out of me :(

my wife got a kick out of it :(((

I'm not that far, I try to make nail bats and find knives I like riding the little girls bike to clear out zombies :D

Kaz 14 years, 5 months ago

Have you tried multiplayer? My friend has an iso and I'm looking forward to playing together, if a cracked version works.

factnfiction101 14 years, 5 months ago

Not yet, someone tried to join my game tho. I have the ps3 version. I don't know if I could play the game with a keyboard, it's weird enough using a ps3 controller instead of a 360 controller.

I'm currently getting my butt kicked by a CURE psychopath guy. He has killed me a few times, I didn't/don't have good weapons…

Cesar 14 years, 5 months ago

that guy is easy.

1) Get the magazine that gives you +50% bonus to your health on every food item you eat, it's located right outside the hallway leading to the safehouse, in a little island thingy.

2) Get Steak. If you can't afford to go all the way to Palisades Mall (timewise), just get Orange Juice and Coffee Creamer located in the safe house. Two should be enough. If you DO manage to get Steak, also grab a sniper rifle there.

3) Make a lightsaber. This is one of the most efficient psychopath killers in the game, so you should make an effort to get one. You need to combine a flashlight and gems. If you can't find a flashlight, there's on the ground in Americana Casino, near the cash-in place.

4) Get the spear located near the bathroom where you fight him. It'll be an invaluable asset.

Now as for actual tactics

1) Recover your health when you're at 2 blocks. if he hits you, you have another chance

2) When he goes into the bathrooms, go near the bathroom doors and run away, but don't get too close or he'll get a jump on you

3) When he goes around a corner, do not follow him. He's waiting to ambush you and it will hurt

4) Hit him right after he jumps out of the bathroom doors. You can get two or three shots easily

5) Throw your spear whenever you can. It does pretty good damage and keeps you out of harms way.

That should help :)

Oh, and if you think he's hard, wait for Slappy.