Hmm--The Oddities in my life...

Posted by fenwaydog21 on March 18, 2008, 8:37 p.m.

Yeah. First thing is first.


Yeah, I have started to work on Project: UNKN?WN (Working Title)

The engine (Jenner) is working pretty well, everything is in place and all. The views, sprites, yeah. HUD is working too.

One slight problem. I know a lot of users like to listen to their own music while playing a game, so I decided to put in a music player into my game. Now, I know most of you will say "iTunes ftw!" or something, and I agree! But, I mean, still, letting people load their own music by running only one process instead of two, the game and player, saves a lot of memory and stuff. So, if you can help me, read my GMC topic!

Here! Nubs. :D


I owned Robineivets in SSBB. Heh, three games I think. One of the games he got…10 kills I think, I got 15. Heh, but he's still the competitor!

Oh, also. I have four, very annoying brothers, three which live at home. One of them bought his own controller for the 360, and my oldest brother at home was using it. The little one says "You can't use my controller, because I bought it!"

So my oldest at home said "That means you can't play brawl!"

So the baby goes crying to momma. Then, a whole fight starts out. >.> Who knew. And then all of a sudden, I heard


I heard him saying "Sh*t" and "fu**ing" and "bullsh*t" so much, it was hilarious!

execute 'end_random_rant.bat'

shutdown -s 5


Robineivets 16 years, 11 months ago

xD Yeah I gotta give you props…It was a little laggish at times though.

Yeah, my brother was playing…he has this problem where he jumps up infront of the T.V. while we're playing. Yeah. xD

Good game,until we meet again.