What I Hate

Posted by ffs-dontcare on Oct. 17, 2008, 3:35 a.m.

Over the preceding months, I've had a lot of time to think about my future, what I want to achieve and accomplish.

I wasted it.

So here are the fruits of my mental labour, a list of the things that really irritate me to no end, a list which is by no means complete.

Having "metalheads" at school give me an incredulous look when I told them I had never heard of Pantera:

I can't be expected to know everything. Nobody should be.

Having any of my "cultural heritage" shoved in front of me:

I get it. I'm Asian. Who cares. And I feel nothing short of sympathy for anyone who's expected by their parents to practically make love to their "cultural heritage". IT'S NOT THAT BIG A DEAL. Freaking hell.

American Republicans who think Democrats are stupid, and Democrats who think the same back:

Since when did who you vote for make you any less of a person?

Stupid People:

By this, I mean people who suffer from an ego the size of Lake Taupo, attempt to assert their authority on people four years older than them in high school, believe babies should be raised in prison with their convicted mothers for the first two years of their life (I'm not joking), talk trash on a constant basis or convince themselves they can sing before Simon Cowell rips them apart.

Power Rangers Turbo:

Their first mistake was replacing Rocky with the kid Justin. Their second mistake was getting rid of Jason David Frank.


Porn trailer videos on YouTube:

They're the reason my dad decided to blacklist YouTube and all media streaming, but that's okay, I've been proxying those bad boys for a few months now. Still, why do those porn producers and distributors or whoever do that? Are they not turned off enough by YouTube's no-nudity policy? Why must they peddle their smut EVERYWHERE they feel like it? NOTE: No, by 'bad boys', I mean YouTube and media streaming, NOT porn. Just to be clear.

Guys who truly see girls as nothing but "spankmeat":

You're half the reason I've never had a chance with girls and I'm sure as hell not turning to guys.


What, you think your country is so perfect it never did anything wrong during World War II? You tout history lessons covering recent events as LIES?

People freaking out over Vanessa Hudgens' photo "scandal":

Yes, I think it was morally objectionable that Vanessa Hudgens apparently sent naked photos of herself to her then-boytoy at the age she was back then, but that's their business and if you find it utterly disgusting because you think she's supposed to be some sort of role model then you need to take that stick out of your bum and look at the fact that this is something a disturbingly high amount of girls in their teens do anyway (not that I condone it, but still) and if you're letting your little girl take her moral lessons from someone other than YOU, THE BLOODY PARENT, let alone someone on screen, then you need to come down from your pedestal you stupid ice queen and start raising your kids PROPERLY. Let Vanessa live her life without you judging her every move. And I say the same about the Miley Cyrus shower photos issue. It shouldn't even be an issue. And no, I couldn't give two craps about the photos mentioned, Vanessa or Miley. They're not YOUR kids, so pay attention to YOUR own offspring and not someone else's.

The phrase "Real Women Have Curves":

You're just as bad as the ones saying, "Real Women Are Really Thin Even If They Have To Force Themselves To Vomit To Attain Skeletal Visibility". If you had any sense of logic, you'd not be trying to attach some sort of physical standard to what women should apparently be like.

People who read 'The God Delusion' and suddenly feel like they can disprove all of religion with a bunch of empirical and falsifiable arguments:

Those are the words of an atheist (NOT ME!). One that doesn't seem to give in to any sort of bias when discussing the issue of religion.


After the first episode, it stopped being funny.

Loudly announcing your sexuality:

Yes, we know you're bisexual/lesbian/whatever. Nobody cares. Don't expect people to jump up and give you kudos for "standing up for the right to NOT be heterosexual", because that's NOT what you're doing.

Nightwish with Anette Olzon:

She makes my ears bleed, but I suppose if that's the direction they want to take, then by all means they can go for it. There's a viable audience for modern Nightwish, I'll gladly acknowledge that, but it's not within my personal preferences to hear someone whose voice basically scratches the air it graces. And no, I don't care if you think Nightwish is for fat goth girls. Get over yourself.


That is, AFTER Bree was killed off. Now it's just a bunch of relatively unknown thespians on the run from a shadowy organization hellbent on getting Bree's sister's blood.

My own tendency to say things in the worst possible way:

And once the damage has been done, it is usually irreversible. This happens every now and then; in fact, I once told a girl in art class something along the lines of, "yeah well, at least my face doesn't look like a guy's face!". Lovely.


Only an idiot would give a crap what products what celebrity was buying/stealing at what store on what street in what town in what country. But then, there's a substantial amount of idiots, so much in fact that there's enough of a viable audience for there to be tabloid magazines in the first place. Tabloid publishers and writers are irrepressibly moronic vultures, pure and simple–OH LOOK, RACHEL BILSON WAS WALKING HER DOG ON A BEACH IN MIAMI YESTERDAY. LOL SHE LOOKED AT THE CAMERA AND JUDGING BY THESE CLOSE-UP SHOTS OF HER FEET, HER FOOTWEAR HAS BEEN DECORATED WITH GLITTER, EVEN. THAT IS INTERESTING NEWS AND WORTH MY TIME TO READ.

Being told I have inferior musical tastes:

Some random thought it to be worthwhile to label me as someone with bad taste in music because Nirvana wasn't on my list of liked bands and artists and then proceeded to (like the good little Nirvana fangirl she is) accuse me of "hating on" Cobain simply because I refused to give him any more thought and attention than I'd give to anyone else who's committed suicide. Yeah, I'm going to stick by my personal preferences. Get the hell over it.

Hopelessly pathetic American comedy and comedy spoof films:

Scary Movie, Date Movie, Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Superhero Movie, Meet The Spartans, American Pie 2 and onwards, etc. And no, that doesn't mean I liked American Pie 1.

And that was Danny's Perspective, mmkay. Enjoy your weekend, fellas.

*teleports away in a sudden blast of neanderthalic screaming and discordant guitars*

Currently Listening To: Ascendant by Keep of Kalessin

Footnote: I turn 20 later this month. Glee!


username 16 years, 4 months ago

You seem to like making hatelists, Danny.

[deleted user] 16 years, 4 months ago

Being told I have inferior musical tastes
Having "metalheads" at school give me an incredulous look when I told them I had never heard of Pantera
American Republicans who think Democrats are stupid, and Democrats who think the same back

Just ask them why they are better than you, and only accept an answer to real questions, and not anything that boils down to "because". Chances are they'll go away soon enough.

This reminds me of when I used to be a real dickhead to people about them liking music I didn't like. Looking back, it was stupid, so now I try not to :\/ Of course, it means I have less conversations about music, but whatever.

People freaking out over Vanessa Hudgens' photo "scandal"
People look up to celebrities and enjoy following other people's lives more than their own. A lot of the time they are moral zombies and don't even think about what they feel is right and wrong, just regurgitating what they hear.

Regardless of whether it is relevant or even interesting, there are an alarming amount of people that want to read about other people's lives instead of doing something constructive. This is the reason why actors get paid so much money in comparison to people that save lives.

I would class most of this behaviour under "stupid people" and my advice is to learn to ignore what people say if you don't like it.

ffs-dontcare 16 years, 4 months ago

I know, but sometimes I feel like I want to expand on some points because a brief description and categorization is not enough for me.

mrmediocrity 16 years, 4 months ago


After the first season, it stopped being funny.

F1ak3r 16 years, 4 months ago

Now make a list of things you love.

ffs-dontcare 16 years, 4 months ago

Compared to this list, that's going to take considerable effort. >.<

Cesque 16 years, 4 months ago

I think I like you.

People who read 'The God Delusion' and suddenly feel like they can disprove all of religion with a bunch of empirical and falsifiable arguments:

Those are the words of an atheist (NOT ME!). One that doesn't seem to give in to any sort of bias when discussing the issue of religion.

Same goes for holy books of other religions, like The Bible and thinking you can prove the Hebrew God based on some sort of divine revelation. >_>

JW 16 years, 4 months ago

yada yada yada

PY 16 years, 4 months ago

Stop being emo and start being happy.

eagly 16 years, 4 months ago

I think someone needs a hug!

*Hugs ffs-dontcare*
