Is your capslock on?

Posted by firestormx on Sept. 12, 2008, 9:38 a.m.

So after working on tech support phones for several months now, I finally got a call where someone couldn't login, even with an admin password, which is hard coded into that particular program. I put them on hold and asked a few people, and they said it was hard coded, and couldn't possibly be wrong. So I come back and ask "is your capslock on", and they say "I don't know…My numlock light is on, and there's an A light there too"

"Okay, on the left side of your keyboard, beside 'a', is a 'capslock' key. Can you press that and try the password again?"

"Oh! I'm in! Thanks!"

Took a while, but I finally got a capslock call. I feel I've achieved something.


pieperson 16 years, 4 months ago

Haha, lol. Now, did you really make this site? Cool! You are definatly, with 1000 percent certainty, a cool person!

Ronnica 16 years, 3 months ago

Hey, sucking up is MY job!