Yay, spore!

Posted by firestormx on Sept. 13, 2008, 8:19 p.m.

Today's been a pretty full day of awesomeness.

First, my mom wakes me up, and me and two of my younger brothers go with my parents to a local police station open house. (Ironically I had to go because my youngest brother didn't want to go, but my mom told him everyone had to go, even though we didn't want to, and he was the only one who ended up not going)

So we got there, and my brother wants to be a cop after he graduates, so after a tour, and a look through all the tactical/rescue/historical vehicles, we find a "recruitment" booth. and my dad and brother ask some questions.

Turns out there's a Cadet program for the peel regional police force, where they pay you 42k/year in a full time position, offer full benefits and pension (police/government benefits are awesome), and they repay you for any post-secondary education you succesfully complete while a cadet. It's kinda like the army, without getting sent off to war. There's a few more perks and blah blah blah.

So I'm thinking that if I can somehow get in tip-cop-shape (I'm witty), I can pass the tests and hopefully beat out the competition (who wouldn't want to sign up for this?!), I'm going to try for this. Also, it'll be awesome experience in…A lot of stuff; from human behaviour and reasoning, to dealing with people, and so on.

I've got a lot of work ahead of me before that though.

So moving on, purolator came to my neighbor's house on Thursday with a package, and when no one answered, they left a note telling them that they had to pick up the package from their warehouse. Today (Saturday) the neighbor drops off the note, and we went and picked it up after the police station. It was from EA Games.

I'd pre-ordered Spore Galactic Edition the day it was anounced, and I finally got it today! The first time I saw Will Wright talk about it yeaars ago (I don't remember what convention it was or anything; it was like 45-60 minutes long, and it's probably the most famous one), I thought it was the most amazing idea I'd ever heard. I couldn't imagine how it could all be pulled off on such a grand scale. The programming for the proceduralized verbs, the huge ammount of customizability, the social concepts…Gah!…So anyway, I showed my g/f that movie this spring, and she became obsessed with it. Me, being the nerdy awesome boyfriend I am, decided I should go pick her up and bring her over to my house to play the game.

After a long adventure, including paying Blockbuster $6 for the first disk of season one of Lost (which I got my g/f into two weeks ago) which they say I didn't return, but I know that I did, but didn't feel like arguing, going into my g/f's apartment, only to find she wasn't home, searching through a mall to try find her, and finally picking her up from her bus stop, where a pigeon crapped directly on my head, and I had to go back into Blockbuster, and ask the guy who I had "purchased" disk one of Lost (even though I don't have the disk, on account o' I returned it already) an hour earlier, if I could use the bathroom to get the crap out. Then we went to McDonalds to use a "two can dine for $8.98" coupon, and even though I declared that I had the coupon before I ordered the meal through the drivethough, AND handed the coupon to the girl, I calculated that I got charged full price, and that McDonalds has ripped off $0.20, plus tax. That's probably why Subway is a larger fastfood chain in North America than McDonalds.

Also, I saw a military APC randomly driving around on the roads with three soldiers hangin' out the top…Two different times.

So now I'm home, and Miranda's going on hour 6 of Spore, with no end in sight. It's such an awesome game, with EVEN MORE than I saw in the demo. The concepts in the game aren't as groundbreaking as they were a few years ago, but it's stil an amazing game. Also, the Galactic Edition is worth far more than what I paid; and the box it comes in is awesome too. Fucking Apple designs have got NOTHING on this box.

So in short, the goals for the next few years of life have been shifted a little (aimin' to be a police cadet); I've been ripped off by roughly $6.20; I've been crapped on; I could probably date the guy at blockbuster now, going by the number of times I've talked to him today; I'm wondering why the APC(s) wandered so far from the training base near my place; and most awesome-portantly, I have friggin' Spore Galactic Edition. (I feel I need to add the "galactic edition", on account of the extra book and DVDs take several hours more from your life than just the game alone) I may be percieving spore as being a tad better than it actually is, but hey, I've been waiting YEARS for this. And from what I've seen of Fallout 3, it may be a little more dissapointing than I built it up to be, so it feels great that spore is still as good as I thought it would be.


Cesar 16 years, 5 months ago

long blog finally

firestormx 16 years, 5 months ago

Yes…Long…*waits for someone to say "you think that's long? Go read that one guy's blog whose blogs are so long that only one person on the whole site has read them, 'cause he was 'bored'"*

biggoron 16 years, 5 months ago

Long? I've seen longer things come out my ASS.

Spore sucks, malheureusment ):

xskullsgames 16 years, 5 months ago

what a epic adventure. XD

Cesar 16 years, 5 months ago

long compared to what you've recently posted

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 5 months ago

I've seen your older blogs. THIS IS NOT LONG. =P

Unlike your other blogs, however, I actually read this one.

firestormx 16 years, 5 months ago

It was epic. And yeah, I suppose it is longer than those other blogs.

dabrdige: I've got shorter blogs you could have read too y'know. >_>

Siert 16 years, 5 months ago

Police? Sounds interesting, glad you had to go now?

Also, your hit counter doesn't work right.

firestormx 16 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I'm glad I went. =P

What's wrong with my hit counter?

Siert 16 years, 5 months ago

It doesn't multiply correctly.

475 * 32.12 = 15256 [15257]

2551 * 5.98 = 15256 [15254.98]

2731 * 5.59 = 15256 [15266.29]

1297 * 11.76 = 15256 [15252.72]

2156 * 7.08 = 15256 [15264.48]

Fix it.