But you don't know where to start. There are lots of places out there to learn Japanese. Books, school, games.
Imagine all these things put together in one. There is a lot of that available on the internet, but all those adds and "sign up required" makes you frustrated , doesn't it?A frustrated person means loss of customers as well as loss of interest in learning a language. This is how life continued until…..http://www.123japanese.com was made.Its not like any other Japanese learning website. This website has no annoying ads that cover the learning area. Its focused on teaching Japanese, not making money. Its 100% free, you don't have to sign up and you have access to all the information right away.But it gets better. 123japanese's vocabulary section is like having your own personal Japanese to English dictionary (except its not a translator, it has a already there list of words). There are thousands of vocabulary to look at, and they are all categorized and then subcategorized so you can make your learning experience easier.Now we all know just knowing a bunch of vocabulary isn't going to make you fluent. This is why there is a full lesson section which you will start from the beginning and work your way to the top.Even more. There is a verb section with the verbs conjugations, as well as a online forum to talk to other members. There are books and videos to help you remember and read. As well as kana charts to help you learn to write the kana.The kanji section is still under construction, and there arn't any games yet, but there soon will be.All of the content is both in English, Kana and romaji. If you have no clue what those words mean, why not go learn. Why not go learn Japanese today, because learning a language, just got easier.**Note, If we have and fluent native speakers on the website please send me a PM**
Are you implying you made that website? - Which desperately needs a decent design, I might add.
My girlfriend made it.
Xemic just got owned. >=]
Thanks for this, FSX. I'll take a look at it later today. So did your girlfriend write the lessons or just design the site?Looks interesting. I'll look into it. :D
Site looks ok.
The site looks terrible in Google chrome >_<
Woah were you purposely timing this or something?
Thanks, will use.Re to Kilin. She put the content and design, I programed. Took me 5 mins, took her a year.