Memories, and the future

Posted by firestormx on Aug. 9, 2010, 10:27 p.m.

So I've been seeing a lot of blogs of people coming back to 64D, and people remember "the good ol' days".

Not all the blog entries are as recent as aeron's post, such as Josh@Dreamland's post, but they really make me love this site.

A lot of people have made friends…We helped Rez ease into highschool and turn into a jerk…

We've been featured in all sorts of media, from video games, to artwork, to twisterghost's home videos about us, played by…I don't even remember what toys he used to represent us. XD

On that note, I got my ACOG scope for my M4. It's not a real ACOG mind you, as I don't wish to spend $1500 and wait half a year for it. Plus if my g/f found out it was radioactive, no matter how little, she'd be pissed.

So I wanted to test the ACOG, and so I asked her to give me my battery for my gun back (she was pissed that I had purchased the gun, and pissed that I shot it in the house, and pissed that I shot holes in her bucket, and pissed that I shot the gun in the house after I told her I wouldn't, and pissed off at it overall, so she took my battery away and hid it). After firing off many many rounds, the gears in my gun started spinning almost freely.

A lot of people spend at least a grand upgrading their guns from stock. I haven't upgraded mine, and it sounds like I've stripped a gear already. Ugh. So now it won't fire. Gotta work on that.

Fortunately, I bought a semi-automatic autococker for paintball. For those not familiar with paitnball, an autococker is…Well, it's sort of like a vintage gun. It works great, and people still use it, but it's not electronic, and it's not a Tippman 90.

But it's very mechanical, and a lot of people like it. My friend says everyone should take apart and reassemble a cocker in their life.

I have not yet tried, but I'm looking forward to it.

I took it out on Sunday, and had lots of fun with it. Even played some speedball with it, with my friends vs a friendly team of speedballers.

But we got our ass kicked a bunch, and went back to playing scenario games.

The best parts were playing against newbies, and just running up the entire field and clearing out their bunkers from behind. (I'm the aggressive guy who'll run up the centre and grab the flag if need be. I'm not good at it, but I'll push however far ya want)

Remember the old days, when the recent blogs were going by so fast we had to extend it to 20 blogs/page…And then allow you to scroll through the pages? I feel like that's how the activity feed is getting. I can't keep up with it!

Kabob has really done an amazing job at breathing new life into this place!

Anyway, in reference to the "future" part of the blog, work is being done on V3.

I know people are constantly going on about how I've been promising it for years, but like I always, say…I PROMISSED NOTHING. I saw v3 is in development. I was working on it. And I never, ever, gave an ETA.

So since I can't do jack squat on my own, Canadonian and I invited Arc, Kabob, and Melee to work on v3 for us with us.

Not a whole lot has been done. I've found out from Arc's blog that he's been smoking weed (*gasp*! A black man with an afro smoking weed and making music?!), melee's been…Well….Melee…Contributing a lot, but I haven't really had a chance to talk to him about actually coding v3. And Kabob's done a bit on it, but for the most part he's been fixing up v2.

So that means I need more people who want to work on v3. We've got a layout and bunch of stuff coded.

I don't remember who it was, but I read a comment somewhere where someone said that people don't want to work on v2 because of my code (I should have banned that jerk), but pah on them.

So…Any web developers want to contribute to v3? You don't really have to do a lot, but there is a learning curve. It's not really steep, but it'll take you a few hours to learn v2's way of doing things, and sort of putting it into v3. We'd also like input on what we should do in v3.

Like…actual discussions, not some stuff thrown around in comments. So we've got a google groups going for that (because I'm too lazy to build my own community discussion thing. And more importantly, discussion can go through e-mail, while being stored in the google groups)

So if anyone wants to work on v3 (and you can fiddle with v2 as well if you want), or if you want to start some v3 discussion, let me know. It's not a full-out open call for developers, as I do need to trust you a little bit, but I really want v3 to get developed, and I really want it to be done by the community. I was reading through Josh's blog entry I mentioned earlier, and this is what he said about HTML privs:

- HTML privs existed. As did SY. Everyone who knew any JavaScript was having a blast screwing things up, but on this implicit honor system that no one would ruin the site for everyone else. I'm still a bit mad at the multiple assholes who had to take that away. Point to prove or not, there was no harm before then… Even with all the artificial rules that the admins (namely, TwisterGhost) had imposed. But that's what made it more fun.

How many of you remember those days? When you guys could basically hack anything you wanted out of the site? Some people even mangaed to hack into the FTP and do whatever they want.

We used to give Jake, and Melee, and a bunch of other people access to the server, and they'd do some amazing things. I want to feel that again. To see members of the community build their community. =D

But I digress. Let me know if you want access to the v3 server (and the v2 server as well I guess, since you'll need to learn a bit from how v2 works) and some "documentation" on how v3 works.

Or, if you want me to invite you to the v3 google group to post your discussion ideas.


Kenon 14 years, 6 months ago

So who remembers the 64digits RPG?

marbs 14 years, 6 months ago

I remember having 1337 digits!

Acid 14 years, 6 months ago

So who remembers the 64digits "lazyness" tree?

Cesar 14 years, 6 months ago

I had 100k digits at level 50. That allowed me to buy the gold sword and massively increase my rate of level ups

Then Jake made it require something like 5.6x10E22 Experience to level up when I was in the 120's. @_@ Killing JakeEX wouldn't let me level up >_>

KaBob799 14 years, 6 months ago

These pics would have been really useful when I was considering recreating the rpg =p

HeroofTime55 14 years, 6 months ago

Let me in.

I actually won't touch a single goddamn thing, I just want to try and learn how the coding language works. I figure I might have better odds with something I'm really familiar with, like this site.

Also I might be lying when I say I won't touch anything, but I'm not going to mess with shit that DF is telling me not to mess with. Or anything that looks remotely important.

firestormx 14 years, 6 months ago

Send me a PM with your e-mail, and I'll shoot you an e-mail.