64Digits Minecraft Server!

Posted by firestormx on Nov. 12, 2010, 8:16 a.m.

Edit: Server up! Join.

So I figured out how to get minecraft to run on 64D's server…I think…So yeah, let's play tonight!

When I get home from work, I'm gonna mess around with it and get it working, then you can all come play with me. ^_^

I'm hoping to get it up by 10:00 EST (the same time as server time), and be on the IRC during that time, to let people know when/if it works. XD

So yeah, minecraft tonight anyone?

I'm thinking we should build a path directly from the spawn (so that newcomers can find us), to some cool place, and start digging a bit tunnel. From those tunnels, people can build offshoots to their houses and what-not. We could get a train system going to (though I don't think the train car bug has been fixed…Has it?)

So take a night off from your virtual girlfriends, and get on minecraft.

I might not be able to, because I happen to live with my girlfriend, but we shall see!

So meet up on IRC tonight. I get home around 9pm, then I'll start SSHin' shit.


PY 14 years, 3 months ago

oh no, not mine "You have 6GB of RAM? Thanks, I'll take that" craft server! Poor 64D! :(

Otherwise: Fuck yeah

sirxemic 14 years, 3 months ago

64Minecraft YES

DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

This sounds to be a most excellent thing :D

aeron 14 years, 3 months ago

Damn, I already made plans for tonight! :(

This will happen again, right? (Assuming it goes well :D)

Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

When you put it that way, it sounds kind of fun. Too bad I don't own it. Maybe I'll hop on the IRC though and just listen.

Juju 14 years, 3 months ago

I'd love to join but I've got paintballing tomorrow at 6:55am and I really need to be awake for that.

DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

Juju, you don't need to be awake for that - I sleep-paintball all the time!

KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago

Don't minecraft servers lag very easily? I've heard people complain about major lag with just 6 people.

Cesar 14 years, 3 months ago

Fuck. Yeah. I'm in.

Make it based on a whitelist with hey0 (there's a fix around… somewhere). And add the people who commented here. Otherwise you get it filled up with random german dudes who TNT the whole place :|

firestormx 14 years, 3 months ago

PY: the memory was something I was thinking about last night, but forgot about this morning when I posted.

I've got 1gig, and it SHOULD be enough. I'm not running a GUI or anything on the server - it is solely a web server at the moment.

…I think I should ask one of the NOC guys here at work to show me how to close any useless services the linux distro is running.

Anyway, 1gig should be fine, from what I've read, and from when I was hosting the server on my computer during "parties".

There's a command to lower the ram requirements or something, so maybe I can work with that.

I probably won't keep the server running, other than at night or preset days or something. I expect with minecraft running, no one will be trying to browse 64. XD

Aeron: If it works, then we'll definately be doing this again.

Kilin: It's 10 pounds. I will purchase it for you. Just secure me a picture of Ronnica's boobs or something.

Juju: I've played paintball after an allnighter…twice…If you play anywhere as cold as Canada, the cold air and adrenaline will keep you awake. If not, then a frozen paintball to the back of the head will help.

Kabob: Yeah, they can lag - though I haven't experienced this when I run the server on my own PC (when it wasn't caused by a bug or something). The server has far less memory than my PC though, so we'll have to try it.

Rawr: I'll need to talk to you about that on IRC later. I don't know how to set that up, or understand what the hey0 is. =P