64Digits will be updating its server

Posted by firestormx on Dec. 12, 2010, 4:49 p.m.


Server updated succesfully.


Hey guys,

As you may have gathered from the message above, 64D will be getting a better server, with a faster processor (an AMD Phenom II X3 2.6GHz - a major step up from our current Celeron dual core E series processor).

We'll be retaining our 3 gigs of ram as well.

I'll be "locking" the site tonight, and copying the files over, then unlocking it. It shouldn't take more than 24 hours, I hope…

First person to post something cynical like "we're moving servers again, remember what happens every other time?", will be fined for the cost of one month of renting the new server.


Cesque 14 years, 2 months ago

Something is going to go wrong and we'll lose the site for months.

OBELISK 14 years, 2 months ago


firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

See, everything went fine.

Zarniwooop 14 years, 1 month ago

No! I want my porcelain rawrcoons back ;_;