Rammsteining the secretary

Posted by firestormx on May 3, 2011, 5:29 p.m.

My coworker and I just bought tickets to a Rammstein/Combichrist concert this Sunday. =D

I only recently ACTUALLY started listening to combichrist a week before I found out about the concert too, so that's pretty cool. Their favorite album at the moment is Everybody Hates You.

Also, Ronnica suggested that I needed a secretary a couple months ago, and now I text her whenever I need to be reminded of something.

I feel very important. I need to start strutting around to Rammstein more often.

Also, I got a haircut. Ronnica suggested it, and her cousin Alex seconded it, implying that I would look like David Beckham.

I do not look like him at all. What do 10 year olds know.

In development news, my older computer, which my ex-girlfriend used, died, and now she's using mine (we still live together). That means I had to piece together a piece of crap from where I work, and it's very slow, and I've been very unmotivated to program for the past couple months. On top of that, I haven't even wanted to go home, so I spend as much time at work as I can.

Speaking of work, the application development department has "borrowed me" from the regular IT department, so that I can help with Quality Assurance - basically testing their programs. They're written in Java, JSP, VB, and the newer ones are being written in C#. Occasionally I do random website fixes and stuff for them, but it's very minor.

Anyway, there's quite a bit of thought, logic, and procedures that goes into testing an application, that I kind of thing would be good to have put 64D through. XD

Doing testing like this, and reversing the logic, has really helped with the way I've spec'ed out a couple programming projects I've been working on with Canadonian.

I'm using a program called QF-Test for automated GUI testing the Java/website applications (a lot of our internal user apps are also web based). We only purchased it a couple weeks ago to be used for testing a new customer-facing program that will be consolidating and replacing most of our current applications.

It's very much like the GM DnD, haha. It's an expensive program, but it's quite powerful. If any of you java developers, or web developers (it interfaces with a browser) want to try it, you can use the "trial", which just won't let you save test cases.

In a corporate environment you definately want to be able to save test cases for regression testing.

I'd like to ramble on, but those are the main points of interest. I need to get my secretary to write better blogs for me.


Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

How is testing those programs out? Im going to try to get into an IT internship soon, though I am going into computer science.

Anyway, you live with your ex-girlfriend? I dont remember the whole story but that sounds weird. Mostly if you start dating someone else I would think.

Ferret 13 years, 8 months ago

I like your hair :(

Why do you and your ex live together anyways?

sk8m8trix 13 years, 8 months ago

Dude, what the fuck? Don't Rammstein concerts sell out in like 10 seconds? I want :(

Cesque 13 years, 8 months ago

Hah, I've been to a Rammstein / Combi Christ concert :)

I had never actually listened to Combi Christ before going. They're… alright, I guess.

firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago

AG: Testing is pretty fun. Because I've been at the company for so long, and had to actually support the software, I know the business logic and reasons for things, etc. The newer devs and QA guy don't know a lot of this stuff, so I feel smart, pointing things out. =P

btw, if you get your IT internship, you'll probably catch on real quick to how important understanding the business (and business in general) is. General support doesn't really require that, but if you're going to be doing any decision/planning/developing/change work, it's very important that you look at things from a business perspective, and not just an IT perspective.

Ferret: I got it cut into kind of a fauxhawk style, if you can imagine that. I'm constantly being told it doesn't look like me, but a lot of people seem to like it. It doesn't look THAT good when I have a stupid smile on my face, which is all the time, but it's a hell of a lot better than my annoying long hair.

Sk8: Rammstein tickets go fast, and I'm amazed there were still tickets. I live in the biggest city in Canada though, so the venue fits quite a lot of people.

Cesque: That's cool. =)

Did Rammstein mostly play their newer stuff, or did they have a lot of old stuff to?

As for living with my ex-girlfriend: We broke up (on fine terms; we were just over each other) a couple weeks before we were set to move into a new apartment. We've now moved, and we keep out of each other's hair for the most part.

My parents live nearby, so I can stay there if she has has anyone over, and I have no one that would possibly come over for me. =P

Cesque 13 years, 8 months ago

New stuff, but I don't think they even covered all the songs from the album (IIRC they didn't play Roter Sand). As for old songs - I remember Benzin, Links, Sonne, Mein Herz Brennt, Feuer Frei, Du Hast, and Engel. I was kind of disappointed they didn't play anything from Rosenrot and Reise, Reise (apart from Benzin).

And the only thing I remember by Combi Christ is Blut Royal ;)

firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago

Mutter is my favorite album, so I'm glad they play so much from there. =D

I gotta brush up on their new album…

Cesque 13 years, 8 months ago

You gotta. Also, I should warn you that the "gag" Till does when they play Pussy is hilarious :)

Eva unit-01 13 years, 8 months ago

The video for Pussy is…disturbing.

Ich Tu Dir Weh has to be my favorite song/vid.

firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago

I'm looking forward to pussy then. Looking forward to it all night.

I didn't like that vid very much; Rammstein has a lot of other videos that I liked better.

Engel, Sonne, Iche Will, Feuer Frei, Keine Lust (the version with the girls in bikinis and flamethrowers)…