RIP Dennis Ritchie

Posted by firestormx on Oct. 13, 2011, 9:40 a.m.

Dennis Ritchie died over the weekend. He was most notable for being the the co-creator of UNIX and C.

Fuck Steve Jobs, his ideas over the past decade have not been invoative, and he seemed to be a pompus asshole, as most mac users are.

So yeah…the world lost somebody great. :(


JuurianChi 13 years, 3 months ago

"Let's take a moment to Respect Mr Ritchie…

Okay done.

Let's return to the Steve Jobs Shrine back at Apple HQ guys."

firestormx 13 years, 3 months ago

Not cool man.
Why, 'cause he's dead? Hitler's dead too, and people have been ragging on him for over half a centruy. At at least when Hitler had some inovative and world-changing ideas, he didn't go on about it like he was the greatest thing in the world. Hell, he wasn't even part of his master genetics. Instead, he simply tried to spread his ideas and concepts to his people, and make the world into what he thought was a better place. Even when he was cornered and about to die, he was doing all he could to keep his dreams alive with his invisible armies.

…Steve Jobs on the other hand did a lecture where he talks about how he founded a company that makes the most advanced animated video (even though he had staff for that), and he speculates about how modern computers might not have multiple type-faces and stuff. That pissed me off quite a bit.

I think Steve Jobs is highly over-rated, just like anything to do with apple. Last time he left, the company almost tanked. Now that he can't go back to the company, hopefully it'll finally bite the dust.

Rez 13 years, 3 months ago

Well I can't change your opinion, but it would've been nice if you simply said this affects you more than Jobs' death. On the other hand, this is the internet and bare bones honesty is king.

JuurianChi 13 years, 3 months ago

This blog and it's comments in a Nutshell.

I support Firestorm's disposition but I'm one sided towards People in glasses.

sirxemic 13 years, 3 months ago

Quote: DesertFox
Remember, inventing something and implementing something are two different things, and they both have merit. If someone came along and invented a fusion reactor that occasionally exploded, and was too expensive, and then later someone else came along who bettered the design and made it a viable energy source, both would deserve credit.

Apple didn't invent touch screens, but they made multi-touch capacitive touchscreens something worth using, and pretty much set the gold standard for multi-touch gestures. Nor did they invent the music player, but they definitely knew how to make one everyone loved. They didn't invent the computer, but they did a lot to bring it to the public back in days of yore. And they did make the first commercial PC that had a GUI and mouse.

So you may not like steve jobs and Apple now, but realize that they played a massive part in the early days on shaping the way personal computers are used and designed today. I think steve jobs deserves a little respect for his past accomplishments. Remember, you don't have to like someone to respect them.

Also, we wouldn't have Pixar if it weren't for steve jobs. I think that was worth it.

firestormx 13 years, 3 months ago

Frankly, I don't think it's appropriate to seriously eulogize somebody recently deceased and then go on to attack another person who has recently died.
I see no problem with it. People do not gain credit by dying. People have no problem attacking someone who is living, who has the chance to actually change to become someone better, but once they're dead, any shortcomings should be forgotten? His death does not change my opinion of him, and it should make no difference when I attack him. A person's death is only sacred because people make it so.

Juurian: good image. =P

Xemic / DF: I do realize that Apple did great things for personal computing, especially at the begining. But now they're dicks. =/

(that's subjective I guess XD)

chicklet 13 years, 3 months ago

this is completely off topic but really… you've done good… is that ok?? lol that i feel a sense of pride in the work you've done??? little weird right? its good to be back :) mmm… yeah.. i've missed reading your stuff… and the responses, delicious….

Cesar 13 years, 3 months ago

It isn't whether or not someone's death is sacred. It's a human life. A person who will never ever live again. And quite frankly, it's really fucked up in my eyes to weigh someone's shortcomings more heavily than their accomplishments.

And who EVER gave a single fuck about what the media reported? Are we being fucking hipsters on this site now?

Acid 13 years, 3 months ago


Toast 13 years, 3 months ago

Are we being fucking hipsters on this site now?
The media fucking sucks it's so mainstream told us so