64D Tour of America (Scheduled)

Posted by firestormx on May 26, 2012, 5:12 p.m.

If you read the last blog about this, you'd know that canadonian and I are heading down to the North East US.

Look at this map for a quick overview of where we're going.

If you're somewhere near that path, let me know. We were going to expland it out to Texas, but it would take far too long (so we were going to fly), and be far too expensive (thus the no flying).

Here's the list of users along the path, but so far only Acid has given me his contact information for when we're on our way.

If you want us to drop by, please PM your phone number (so I can text you in the US), and maybe your adress. If we can stay at your house, that'd be cool. If not, or if you don't even want your friends and family to see us (or you're worried because of all the awkward silence), that's fine too. We can go for lunch or soemthing on the way through your town.


Probable locations:

Michigan: Arc (Western), Alert Games (North of Detroit)

Ohio: Chiken (Cincinnati), Snakeman (Columbus), Acid (Warren)

Commonwealth of Pencil: JID, Other

Virginia: Zac1790 (Gloucester), other (VA Beach)

New York: colseed (South East)

Mass: Poly, EV

Rhode Island: Purianite

Places we won't go by (sad face):

Texas: Pounce and Reidd (El Paso), DF (Richardson), Kenon, Seleney (Houston), kabob/Kamira (Forth Worth)

Missouri: CPS (St Joseph)

Kansas: Obeilsk

Mississippi: Leemcd56

Utah: Kilin

Alabama: Hel

Colorado: Eva-unit-01

Arizona: McFluffeh

California: Cyrus, Ferret, LAR, Mush (San Diego)

Indiana: RC (North central)

Atlanta: Meow44 (Georgia)

Our schedule is something like this (the nights will be spent in our car or a hotel, unless we're explicitely told we can stay at someone's house):

June 1st: Leave Toronto, enter the US through Detroit, meet up with AG if he's around, and head down to visit Chiken in Cincinati. If Arc wants us to come by, we might veer off into western Michigan, and spend our first night on the way down to Cincinati, and maybe drop by RC's place.

June 2nd: Say good bye to Chiken, give him a high-five with his broken arm, and head up to Columbus to hang with Snakeman for a little bit, and then we'll continue up to visit Acid in Warren, and spend the night there.

June 3rd: We'll be waking up in Warren, wishing Acid goodbye, challenging his wife to a rap battle, and then we'll head into the Commonwealth of Pencil to visit my friend (deathbymurder). I don't know how long we'll stay there. Depending on if my friend wants use to leave her alone pretty quickly, we'll stick around a day or two.

June 4th or 5th: We'll drive down to Virginia Beach, stopping off to see Zac1790 on the way. We'll stay a few days in VA to hang out with the same friend I went to see back in March.

June 8th: Leave VA and drive up to New York City (or just outside it).

June 9th: Explore NYC and the surrounding area a bit, and head up to Boston or something and spend the night there, hopefully visiting Poly and EV.

June 10th: Head back to Toronto.

We might end up staying longer in PA or VA, and cutting the NYC/Massachusets trip short. I'd still like to visit both places though. NYC just so I can understand Spiderman better, and Massachusets to visit EV and Poly, if Poly isn't busy.


JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

We'll be waking up in Warren
No homo.

poultry 12 years, 9 months ago

I'll still see if I can get you a place to stay in my residence :3 ill ask this week… sometime

Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

Dear God. We all joked about feeding ChIkEn over the internet….

But what will happen when FSX actually feeds him in person?

poultry 12 years, 9 months ago

Ac!d already did it once. :P

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

And what happened to Ac!d when he fed ChIkEn?

He got married.


"I shall save this pudding cup for when I need it…later"

link2x101 12 years, 9 months ago

It'd be pretty epic to meet you guys, and I'm even pretty close to the path in two areas (NY, South of Albany) but then again I'm quite sure my parents would have some issue with that. Anyway, I wish you guys an awesome trip! :D

Acid 12 years, 8 months ago

I'm gone for a couple weeks and you guys can't even get my name right.

Tsk tsk

leemcd56 12 years, 8 months ago

You will never come to Mississippi. Never.

Snakeman 12 years, 8 months ago

I can't wait to be woken up tomorrow by fsx notifying me that we are going to have so much fun together. <3

Castypher 12 years, 8 months ago

Be sure to tell us how much fun getting raped is.