I know, this sounds like a rip-off of my previous blog about a GM example on Steam, but it's totally not!
GameMaker: Studio is on steam.Scary.I know, this sounds like a rip-off of my previous blog about a GM example on Steam, but it's totally not!
GameMaker: Studio is on steam.Scary.
I'd go see it.
And then I'd go see it again, a week later, when it fails in box office and moves to the $2 bargain theatre near my house.I can actually see that being made into a horror flick, clown icon and everything.
EDIT: FUCK YOU IT WAS 2013 WHY WOULD YOU DELAY THATAnd there could even be a sequel:
Game Maker: The Movie 2: Click The Clown's Revenge Part 2: Rise of The Fruiti'd rather just wait for the inevitable threequel:
Game Maker: The Movie 3: Attack of the Super Mario ClonesEventually they'll start making crossovers and then we'll have Game Maker + The Avengers.
God, I can fucking see it now. The Gamemaker Avengers, with Game Maker, freesound.org, MS Paint, vgmusic.com, and MSN.You know, the "Gamemaker" equivalents of a programming team, sound engineers or some shit, graphics designers, composers, and public relations.Also this.
>Game Maker game where the protagonist is a squarethe first of manyThe spin-off film will be the best one: Game Maker - The Movie: The first game, Please be gentle
So a troll figured that this is a great opportunity!
Realism: THE GAME