I've been sitting here for 10 minutes, wondering what would make a cool first post but I can't think of anything so I'm just going to make the first sentence of my first blog post a run on sentence, just because.
anywaysz, my name is tzvety and gunzet showed me this website because I wanted a rad place to post my art and meet new kewl people.I'm just going to post some of my most recent shiz, and then i'll post a few of my favorites. Warning, nudity and stuffSteveEdit: Nudity warning

Third person I've invited here. Now hopefully you stick around, since the last one was Sy, and he was a bronie. Annnyways, enjoy!
Oh man, I will keep all of that in mind. Thanks!
EDIT: we'll see aboot that, hopefully an angry mob doesnt run me out of the site D;I totally dig this shit, even without the titties flying everywhere. You should totally do more more with the fourth one; it looks like it has a lot of potential IMO, even if it isn't much like your other stuff.
Welcome to 64digits! You have some cool stuff here.
@Panzer: Thanks a lot dude (: I'll see about it, I've some ideas about the colors, and the symmetrys been annoying me lol.
at least, I think ti is. I got rid of my first post. I mean,for all I know I could'v been some kind of fucking badass motherfucking shitter back then, but I kind of doubt thatdeposit your insantint at the red nad black banner by the whitehouse gater, etc, we all know the asdfghjkl;' zx qr;'ftyguhnimk,l;o"man you could have deleted some golden stuff right thar, but thx bro
I will make sure to deposit whatever you were talking aboutYour soul.
fortunately I have a few stored in my closetWait…so it was you who raided Lucifer's storage lockers?