Whats going on guys, I've been doodling a lot for the past few days and even finished some shit. YES
But first, I suppose this is a personal blog so I'll talk about some ~personal stuff~. And no, not personal as in how long my period cycles are, but just whats been goin down for the past few days.Absolutely nothing, btw. This summer started out with me being two hours away from home at a friend's house, eating mexican food and watching scary movies for like two weeks. I come home and continue my antics of not doing anything, but also mix in some doodling. And of course I'm not complaining. This is pretty much what I've been looking forward to my whole school year. I remember at one point, lying awake in the middle of the night (or I guess morning, it was like 5 am), I started to think "dude maybe I should do stuff tomorrow".

Umm… I was a little confused at first.
You see, I thought the description for the image was on top of the image.I apologize if I now think of you as someone who looks very cold…