Starcraft 2

Posted by foslock on May 19, 2007, 10:28 a.m.

It has finally been annouced, after 9 years of waiting since Brood War, IT HAS FINALLY COME!!!


Now, this is gonna be more of a gaming blog than anything else.

Starcraft: Considered the best RTS by most gamers, having perfectly balanced races and unique strategy each game. I have been playing for about 7-8 years and have always loved the game (along with my friends). Buy it if you don't already have it. It's worth the 20 bucks. P.S. Buy it even if your going to playing SC2, you'll need the practice :)

Half-Life: Yes, I'm an old game fanatic :) Half-Life is arguably one of the best FPS games ever made. The story is so complicatedly awesome, it is unbelievable that they made 2 (so far) amazing sequels to it (not including blue-shift, opposing-force, and the other 1gen HL games). I've recently started the story again, probably for the 11th time, and I still can't keeping my self from playing it.

Battlefield 2142: If you liked the old BF games then you will certainly enjoy this, if your computer can handle it. The requirements are pretty intense, or at least for it to be worth looking at. The game is definitely complimented by the amazing graphics, because it really isn't that different than BF2, just with cooler guns, and vehicles. But, like all the BF games, it never gets old when your playing on a huge server battling Titans and issuing orbital strikes left and right.

F.E.A.R.: The ultimate benchmark of modern day graphics cards and processors. Basically the only game that takes advantage of SLi mode gfx cards. This game is legitimately the scariest thing I've ever done. No movie or experience has freaked my out more than playing this game, not only because how goddamn freaky it is, but how much I kept wanting to play it! You are basically never explained anything in game so you want to find out by playing more. Also, the AI in the this game is truly amazing. Almost nothing is prescripted, even though everything looks like it (I know because I've played through levels more than once).

Well, I wish I could add more games, but I fear that someone might have already blogged about SC2 in the time that I've written this.

Thanks for reading!


Kaz 17 years, 9 months ago

About f'in time.

JW 17 years, 9 months ago

hey FUCKTWAT, half-life 1 is 1000 times better then 2. Including opposing forces and stuff. So stop being such a graphics whore.

foslock 17 years, 9 months ago

@Nobody: … if you read my blog I was talking about Half-Life 1. I never said anything about graphics :D

Kenon 17 years, 9 months ago



Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

I still play Starcraft, and I plan on getting SC2 as soon as inhumanly possible. In fact, I won't even look at the single player campaign before getting onto and fighting people before they get maphacks, laghacks, hackhacks, or weirdly edited "fastest games". This game had better be the most kick ass game ever or I am going to go flipping insane!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

By the way, I play as Shork on USEast, find me, you'll probably win.

s 17 years, 9 months ago

Well,I really like building and my computer isn't really top notch,so…

NoodleNog 17 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Firebird
BF2 owns BF2142.
Firebird speaks the truth.

SC2 has finally been annouced
Hell, it's about time! [/cinematic trailer reference]


Scott_AW 17 years, 9 months ago

Nice, I like how they stayed true to their style.

Alpha Man 17 years, 9 months ago

What losers. They should have made Diablo 3. Starcraft sucks…

BTW, this is very old news. I've known this since today.