24 Lost Heroes

Posted by foslock on Feb. 25, 2008, 10:13 p.m.

Disregard the clever name of this blog, and just take a moment and ask yourself, Do I watch 24, Lost, or Heroes? If your answer was yes to any of these TV shows, then you are correct.

Yes, you are correct.

As of now those three shows play a pretty big part of my entertainment these days. Call me a sucker, but I challenge anyone to write better stuff than the guys who write those shows.

Also, a movie you have to see if you already haven't is Cloverfield. Once again, all of the idiots who think they are a "step ahead" everyone else claiming the movie was terrible (many of the same who don't "like" Lost), try not to comment on this. But if you haven't seen it, or loved it, please tell me about it. I thought this movie was a breakthrough in modern film. Taking realism to the next level is what people complain about all the time, and this movie gave it to them. To an extent. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but the chances of that movie actually happening are close to slim. Actually, very slim. Quite atomically slim.

I haven't blogged here in a while, but school has really taken over most of my life, I am halfway through my Junior year in HS and looking at colleges, looking for colleges, and getting all my school work done is quite a chore. Any advice for tech colleges? Recommendations? Anyone who says "MIT" doesn't get a cookie.

Not like you would anyways :-p

Well, sorry for the short blog, but hopefully you all have enjoyed this quick read, and I'm sure I'll be getting quite a lot of flaming for the aforementioned media coverage.

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foslock 16 years, 12 months ago

I haven't started Prison Break yet, but I intend to, I've many good things.