God saw that the light was good

Posted by foslock on Sept. 2, 2006, 9:36 a.m.

and He separated the light from the darkness.

That is exactly what my new engine tries to accomplish. It isn't as good as geargod's or phienoxes (sp?) but if you want an easy implimented lighting engine in your game, come to me. I will put it in for you. Just send me the gm6, and I will reupload it with the lighting engine added, nothing else changed. And of course, any questions you ask will be answered by me and I will try to explain how it works as well as I can so that if you want to add or change something yourself, you can without fail.

That is a screen taken from my example where I tried to get all the aspects of it in one screen. You can download the EXE here and play around with the lights if you want.

Some things that my engine lacks so far are multiple light sources, that use shadows, you can have normal lights but only one so far can cast shadows; smooth shadow edges, where the edge of the shadow isn't solid, its a gradient; and other things that make it look even more spiffy.

Some good things about this is that it has incredible speeds that can't really be beat; I will put it in your game for you if you want; and it looks good enough as it is. Great for games that require stealthy movement or sneaking.

Please give your comment or suggestions. If you want to help out with this, please just IM me (slip2madness) or send me a PM.



Flea1991 18 years, 5 months ago


Flea1991 18 years, 5 months ago


OL 18 years, 5 months ago

Nice, 60 FPS, but erm it didn't look like in your screenshot. Basically it wasn't dark - the lights worked and the "shadow" where it cuts the light off worked - but it wasn't dark like your pic it was just normal.

JSoft 18 years, 5 months ago

Yes I agree with optical. shadows work however the room isnn't dark so you can't see the full effect.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

ask chiken for help… his lighting is really good…