Hey, improvements on this illustrated game!

Posted by fprefect111 on Aug. 11, 2008, 8:09 a.m.

Ok, it might not look like I've made a lot of progress but there's been a fair bit of extra effort I've put into this game to make it friendly and playable. And now I need to know if it's working :)

Added a tutorial, completely new set of levels, and hints scattered throughout. Now its got a proper level select screen with goals and saved progress and everything.

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Anyway, though the gameplay is yet to be more developed I'm fairly sure a lot more of the bugs have been weeded out now.

So feedback on where to go with this game would be much appreciated :)

And nice - a short blog.

EDIT: Ahhh why am I always making mistakes with my links :/


Juju 16 years, 5 months ago

This is a very intriguing project. Just a few comments to help you out:

The view "skips" on the tutorial level as you move right of the flag

Space doesn't deselect your egg

You really need to freeze the game when the form loses focus

The music you had in the video was awesome so why wasn't it

The mouse graphic is horrid

The walky-spiney thing on the first level froze near the edge of its platform

It needs to be clearer when a level actually finishes

The game randomly locks up (although that may not be your fault)

Bryan 16 years, 5 months ago

I'll 6/6 rate you on yoyogames when the time is there :D

Cesar 16 years, 5 months ago

huh, I thought my computer was the one at fault for the game locking up.

fprefect111 16 years, 5 months ago

Damn, so did I. Now I have to somehow clear out this bug, finish the horrible looming Chemistry/Economics assessments due, and prepare for exams within the next two weeks.

Thanks a lot for pointing that stuff out, Juju, I forgot about half of it :)

And haha cheers Bryan :P

Juju 16 years, 5 months ago

Not a problem. This is very good so far with a few kinks to work out - don't be disheartened.