Ah, long time no update. Been trying to get away from games a fair bit to balance out my life and that again. Anyway, more importantly:
I'm creating a game for my Major Design Project in my final year at school, and one of the first requirements is for me to investigate my market. This site's part of my market, being game players and all. Just hoping you guys'd be keen and interested in taking part - I'm going to post the results and analysis in around two weeks, so you'll be able to learn from it just as much as I will. This survey being posted across quite a few communities, so there'll hopefully be enough responses that the results will be pretty valid. All it requires is your responses… it won't take long, I promise :)Anyway:Take the Survey
Ok, just an update: Hit 1500 responses this afternoon, for all those who are interested. Thanks for your contribution guys :)
I did it when you first posted it.