More on the good ole Rugby Team

Posted by frank34443 on Feb. 21, 2007, 10:34 p.m.

Hey everyone, well It has been a while since I blogged, so I thought Ill make a page today. First off, this entry follows up on the last entry on my page about the rugby team. I live in Canada so its sort of awkward to have a rugby team, but here is how it is going.

Today was the the first real practice I went to since I still haven't gave my form to the coach… I learned some of the rules on passing, offsides, strums, etc. It turns out that most of the people on the team are pretty small compared to me, so I am probably the best tackler on the team (theres one or two freakishly large guys, but they are too slow to actually get a good tackle in). First, we ran some drills on running and passing. The whole point was to catch and pass in one motion (strange? you tell me)… After that we practiced tackling and countering a tackle (in which I completely owned). After that we played a few games of touch rugby without strums. The whole point was to learn how to pass to your team mates. Unfortunately, something that I realized today was that even though I was good at tackling and a few other things, I SUCK! at passing. It is way harder than it looks, I mean you have this oval ball… Not a football, its more rounded than that. If you make a pass it is not an auotmatic sprial like it is with a football. I will definatly make the starting lineup for sure because I am good with tackles.

At first I was thinking about quitting or something, seeing how I would have liked a football team… but after seeing how the game works I think its actually really fun and cool. The game itself makes you extremely tired because you are constantly moving trying to get behind the ball so you can get your passes. Anyways, the next practice is on wednesday, and I plan on improving my passing skills by next week.


blueBX 18 years ago

I never really liked rugby. I'm more of an independent person so thats why I like T&F(Track and Field).

frank34443 17 years, 12 months ago

Yeah track and field is good but Im not a good runner so Im staying away from taht! Thanks for the comment.

Crane-ium 17 years, 12 months ago

A while as in 8 days since a blog? Ok…well whatever. Rugby sounds like a fun sport, except the pain. I'd do it, but I do running instead.

frank34443 17 years, 11 months ago

Lol well it hurts… after practices I have a lot of musvcle pain.