I Finally got around to it...

Posted by frank34443 on Aug. 1, 2007, 10 a.m.

Well, in these last few months, I have wondered away from GM. I really got into graphical design. I joined a graphics community, and got pretty good. The main forum which I usually visit was taken down for some maintenance, and so I seized the opportunity to make a forum and invite as many members as possible. It took me 2 days just to set it up, skin it, make the forums, rules, etc… Much harder than one would think. Anyways, I invited as many people as I was able to. I got 12 people to join in total. I am really psyched up for this because its just really cool going to a forum that belongs to you, knowing that you have members who post, etc…. Anyways, the forum is based on graphical design mainly, but I tried to make it so that anyone can join. I added an arcade, a reputation system, some general talk forums, etc. I will also later add some other features like an award system (if I can get it to work). Sort of like 64digits' badge system. I alrready have 10 active members, but I am finding advertising campaings, hopefully a domain name, etc. I feel like the forum has a chance to get big. Mainly because I managed to get a lot of friends (who are actually good at graphics adn are ranked from mod-pro) who have other friends they can get to join. Anyways, its turning out really great so far, and in just 2 days its already pretty active (about 200 posts) by 12 members. The way I see it, if every member can get 5 other members to join, we will be quite big in no time. Considering that it was all done from scratch without paying a cent that is quite something. If any of you are interested in graphics, and are willing to join and be active members feel free to join. Anyways, here is the link for you guys to check out and give me some critique, ideas, and maybe even join…



eagly 17 years, 7 months ago

Well, for a start, the link doesn't work. ;]

It would also be a lot better if you got your own webspace and set up phpBB or some other forum software on it like myBB or something, instead of having that horribly long and not very cool URL. Just a suggestion.

Edit: Oh wait. Its working now, allbeit very slowly.

OBELISK 17 years, 7 months ago


I'm 64D's resident artist. Nice to meet you.

*grimaces menacingly*

frank34443 17 years, 7 months ago

Link should work… its really not that bad looking besides the url of course… And I know what are saying, and I might change it later, but that will depend on how many members I can get to join.