64d april contest devblog

Posted by fromsoysauce on April 19, 2014, 2 a.m.

I've been so busy getting everything prepared that I have yet to make the actual game part. I've made a ton of items and how they can be used to interact with the world in specific ways, but only 1 enemy and 1 room, still I think I should be able to pull this together!

Spend a lot of time getting textures and stuff like that all startified… but now I must make levels…

Torch lights up the darkness

Items, you have no inventory and must drop one to pick up another

Fighting enemies is not encouraged in this game, they are much stronger than you, your character does not know how to fight, but you can have her whack at them to the best of her ability, at your own risk.

This image should make it clear why you don't want to get into a fight, also your HP is based on the number of crystals on your back:

The options menu, I hope it looks good enough:

It's going to be a puzzle platformer, mixes elements of SM64, Zelda OoT and Animal Crossing.


JID 10 years, 10 months ago

very nice! remember seeing this game a few years ago on youtube i believe, nice to see you're still working on it. always looked really fantastic. :)

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

You are talking about "Project Difference." This game does share a lot of similarities to it, but this is not that game. It takes place in the same universe as that game, and the protagonist, named "Mayfly" is the same species as the protagonist of the other game, her name was "Siiya" btw seen here:


Mayfly's model is in no way an edit of Siiya, likewise all the graphics for this game were built from the ground up for this contest.

I won't deny that this game borrows a lot of aspects from Difference in terms of the platforming mechanics, but that's more attributed to the fact that that I know that it works in difference so I'm confident that it will continue to feel smooth here.

Despite the platforming engine being based on that other game, like I keep saying, this is a fresh new take on it. Difference is a platformer RPG where a big focus is killing monsters. This game on the other hand, is a puzzle platformer, with a much bigger emphasis on item management and stealth.

I even made new textures, The only thing that I'm keeping the exact same from the other game is the voice clips for the girl, because I can't get new ones in time for the contest.

If it's not clear, the point I'm making here, is that THIS IS NOT an edit of difference. I stress this because I think some people might use the similarities this game has with Difference to try and get me disqualified.

No, the reason I haven't posted a devblog sooner was because I was busy rebuilding the all of the platforming mechanics from Difference for this NEW game. (my brother's worry that that means I won't have time to make this game in time)

JID 10 years, 10 months ago

forgive me for not reading the blog title, not accusing you of anything. so no need to worry - haha

either way the game looks fantastic. definitely want to try this out now that i know it'll be coming out much sooner than i expected.

Pirate-rob 10 years, 10 months ago

This game looks pretty.

(Can we whack things with torches?)

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

@JID, it's ok. I guess I just have quite a trademark style. I just hope that everyone else can be as reasonable as you. Getting a bit paranoid that someone will get me disqualified. I can see how someone could think that this is just an edit of Difference.

@Pirate-rob, Thanks I wanted to try to incorperate the theam, I really tried: Most of the things in the game use only Blues, Yellows, black and white. That was my idea of limited color pallet. Though I guess the flame of the torch, needing to have red does sort of mess things up a bit.

And yes, you can whack with a torch. It's nice because it catches enemies on fire, but, the enemy will probably still kill you, because Mayfly is super weak and doesn't know how to fight.

Enemies are hard to kill because you are not supposed to kill them. You are able to, but the game isn't about killing monsters, it's more about avoiding them with stealth so you can advance to more puzzles.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

If this is what i can do with GM, just imagine what I could do with that Unity Pro License.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

I looked into it, and unless someone comes up with significant proof that I missed, you're fine.

Oh, and the game looks awesome by the way!

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

Thanks, I think that I might even make an extended version of this game after the contest.

evillair 10 years, 10 months ago

This looks really awesome, you're doing a great job!

demo_123 10 years, 10 months ago

Nyc Game