Might surprise you but prior to 2 days, I had not actually made any levels,.
Yesterday was a nightmare, I found a crucial error where sometimes the characters would not collide with the world. I never found the source or solution to the problem, so I worked around it and made a system that ignored a lot of the original collision code. So that's one way to fix things…file select map

Yes, a lot of different elements went into this game, I'd like to use them all..
I never use models that are not made by either me or my bros. I actually have a line of other character models in this style:
http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/342/9/8/same_pick_but_better_spaced_for_moniters_by_saijeehiguchi-d6x8yn4.pngSounds interesting, but I still want to have this in some kind of a finished (not perfected) form. Like with a beginning middle and end. Though that's mainly because I already made the beginning and the end and I want the end to be experienced…Well then. Everyone know that Touhou earns points with me.
That sign still seems to say "Good luck Mayfly". Are they all the same?
The graphic for the sign stays yea, but the text doesn't.
The message on the graphic for the sign is just an Easter egg for any fellow matoron out there like yourself.Well Guys, so far I've got 4 worlds + the final castle…. Almost there!
My game is done except for some technical details:
1) Make save files actually work2) Game Over3) Roll Credits at the end of the gameAfter that I'm good to go!