We now have enough done in the dev to present THE FIRST ACTUAL FIGHT! (disclaimer, ssb rules not yet implemented, but they can hit each other!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VxmrHD6gpI&list=PLaDd9276h4ZDo3RgOFGfcRbw7mUTScQ4S&index=20We now have enough done in the dev to present THE FIRST ACTUAL FIGHT! (disclaimer, ssb rules not yet implemented, but they can hit each other!)
Very cool dude! I've never worked with unity, but how well does it implement multiple controllers? (assuming that's what's going on)
Pretty Awesome!
@ Ferret, it doesn't do it by default: For whatever reason it defaults as all controllers giving the same input.
But after tinkering with it for a little bit, I was able to get it to take the inputs from multiple controllers just fine. Game Cube controllers even!