Dear Blog,
Yeah, I haven't said a darn word in a long time now. Some wonder if I am still alive? I am. Haven't posted or really done anything serious on GMC or GM itself in a while. So, how's everyone doing. You might have noticed me, you select few who are registered at CPPGameDev. I do lots of C++, Allegro, fun stuff like that. So, last night I'm up late, I'm like it's too early to go to bed. So what do I do? I start working on something. I made a freaking little maze engine, which uses arrays to store the map, and later I'm going to add jewels and stuff. Just a little something to with my spare time. If you're interested <img src="" />Edit:^$hit my img didn't work now it should.I also have the dowload link:<a href="">Download</a>I'm proud that 64digits is hosting me, I live v2. Great dsign fsx. This is cool. If you want to visit my crib go to <a href="">CPP Game Dev</a> Yeah, you can register there I'm teaching a class. Alpha_man, gml_josea, SpectreNectar (Doesn't Come), and lots of othes from here are over there. Not always coming back or posting. If you want to learn some C++ come on by, I teach a class. You'll like it, I know I've said a thousand times it's great. Check out some of my games over there mostly text, but this one has some gfx. Thanks for listening to this jib-jab.Cheers,gamehawk—Edit: Had to edit and f*ck around with the file manager a lot to get it working again :P.–Edit:Still not f*cking working now it should–Edit:Didn't f*cking work I usually don't swear but I'm getting f*cking frustrated. Now it should work.
Does it have to be a GM game to be submitted?
wtf. I submitted my game and it deleted it!Flashback edit: I merged your two comments. Rawr.No, it just moved it into the "Submitted games" folder.
Also, I have denied your game from the database because this is a site for GAMEMAKER games, not C++ ones. I think your file should be back where they were before now.huh, I don't know, try to send it
It should work now…
LOL, gamehawk, the extension is in lowercase, not uppercase.The real URL:
Alpha_man, gml_josea, SpectreNectar (Doesn't Come), and lots of othes from here are over there.
Hey Im there too…You did that with allegro? Shit I should try to use that…