Yeah, I did some major improvements to my *cough* amazing *cough* maze engine. Just kidding, well about the amazing part I am kidding, about the improvements. No. I fixed the freaking array, it turns out I was doing it like [x][y], but the double oppisite made it work, here was the problem, my map would get rotated sidways. So I fixed that, everything works great. Jewels, have been added, and to finish a level you have to find all the jewels. Pretty flickin' sweet. Do you care? Donno. I also found out how to encrypt my files well, with a password, and in a .DAT file. That encyption is nice and juicy! Now, you can't change my in-game sprites h4x0r5! You could rip them and put them in your own game. They suck @$$ so bad though, who would want them other than Alpha_man? I'm joking. Shout out to all the great people here who came to the C++ Forum and gave it a chance were gaining about 2 members a day. That's <b><i>REALLY</i></b> good. So, this blog was prettt good eh'*?Cheers,gamehawk<b>*Disclaimer:</b> Eh' is copyight of Canada and I recieved explicit permission for use in this technical blog entry. Just joking with you, not being mean.
Awesome, is a new verson coming out? Not that I can use it though since I cant get allegro to work.
It's easy <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/alleg/allegro-4.2.0-1mol.DevPak">Get It Here</a>. You can't just paste source. You have to create a new Allegro Static Project and Paste Source in main.cpp.
Ok Ill try it later.
It's on CPPGameDev Somewhere