My Site

Posted by gamehawk on Feb. 24, 2006, 4:24 p.m.

My site was recently updated:



Whoo, I got my PHP login/register scripts working. I also have the top panel done! It's awesome! I think it's really cool I can finally do this sort of interactive stuff. It's way better than CGI. My next stop, I'm going to make a forum. A very simple forum, you will need to register to post so do that. I have a full list of registered users I can view at anytime. I also will be able to change peoples passwords in the near future. The power of Admin!!!! Anyways, thanks for listening!




You can visit my site at:

<a href="">Right Here</a>


Josea 19 years ago

oh, nice, you got space in 64digits's servers >.<

I wish to get some :p

Maxcore 19 years ago

It could use some gfx.