64Digits Battle Arena

Posted by gamehawk on Feb. 26, 2006, 6:06 p.m.

I had an idea for a sweet game. Want to be in it? It's going to be a 64D battle system. The object is to go through all the levels and win badges *cough*64digits badges*cough* and rise to the top and beat the top boss *cough*firestormx*cough*. You start as a noob, and work your way up through the 64digits world learning new powers. Sound cool? Want to be in it. Here's how, just enter the following info:

Your Name:

Your Avatar: (give link)

Your Primary Attack:

Your Secondary Attack:

Your Defensive Move:

Special: (if used)


Name: gamehawk

Avatar: http://64digits.com/users/gamehawk/beard.gif

Primary Attack: DOS Attack on 64D

Secondary Attack: Destructive Batch Script

Defensive Move: Delete Blog

Special: Make Ludablog Copy <redirects power of attack back at opponent>


Kaz 19 years ago



Primary Attack:Throw noobs

Secondary Attack:Kick ass

Defensive Attack:Get into ball and cry

Special Move:Take a nap(restores health, w00t)

zagster 19 years ago



Primary Attack:Sword Stirke(100% Critical Hit)

Secondary Attack:Reflection

Defensive Attack:Transform into a Jet

Special Move:Copy (Copy other people's attacks and use it.)

twisterghost 19 years ago

Your Name: twisterghost

Your Avatar: right click, save as…

Your Primary Attack: throw mini-ludamads

Your Secondary Attack: FIRE!!!

Your Defensive Move: invisibility

Special: clone self

Pookasnooks 19 years ago

do we have to use our own username? Can we use the name and image of a copyrighted character?

zagster 19 years ago

You can probably make up your own.

Rez 19 years ago

Name: REZ

Avatar: just save the one i'm useing now…

Primary Attack: post a comment

Secondary Attack: XD

Defensive Move: delete comment

Special: supa Blog Entry mini-gun attack

melee-master 19 years ago

I have a new avatar, so a new link:


gamehawk 19 years ago

Okay, thanks people. Don't know when I'll code it, should be a while. Need to do gfx and download stuff first.

zagster 19 years ago

Ok. Tell us when it's done.

V 18 years, 12 months ago

Name: vanhelsing

Avatar: http://64digits.com/users/vanhelsing/TUISEDTGHSIHASEHIASEGHASI.jpg

Primary Attack: l_337 frag

Secondary Attack: cyber warhead

Defensive Move: convert to l_337 or n00B

Special: noob bomb!