Posted by gamehawk on June 24, 2006, 10:49 a.m.

My TGTV Station is called GBS (GameHawk Brodacasting Station), and is going to be on channel 23. What seperates my station from other stations is that it will have more than one show, that's right multiple shows and specials! I've been working on an engine for my station and it can cater to the needs of slow and fast readers.

Here's a Screenie:

<img src="" />

As you can see the engine has options for auto-moving text and for pressing spacebar to advance text. The engine is getting quite advanced. I also am going to have more than one show. Some current show ideas I have are:


*Game Reviews

*Tech Tips

*Weekly Specials

*Billy's College Adventures (Show)


*Hot Channels

*Book Reviews

*Much, Much, More

I've always been very interested in the field of media (not just gaming), and this TGTV expierence is one I am going to use as an oppurtunity to publish some media. Thank you Twisterghost for giving me the oppurtunity and listening to me during my slightly annoying PM's (had some scheduling problems that are resolved now). If you didn't see my latest info Twister here's my station info.

Name: gamehawk


Channel Name: GBS (GameHawk Broadcasting Station)

Channel Number: 23

I hope you are looking forward to viewing my channel!


gamehawk [:)]


gamehawk 18 years, 8 months ago

Oh. Still cool!

twisterghost 18 years, 8 months ago

I hope you all know that the maximum gm6 size is 1mb…

gamehawk 18 years, 8 months ago

Mines only 56kb so far.

Snakeman 18 years, 8 months ago

Looks a little better than your scanned in drawings lmao

well it's very hard to draw Snakeman on the comp.

gamehawk 18 years, 8 months ago

Sorry, was in a bad mood. Shouldn't have brought it to the board.

Zac1790 18 years, 8 months ago

I forgot the thing about 1mb…

phew. My channel is 850kb :D.

If snakeman can fit all those sprites/backgrounds in I suppose I can fit in all my sprites…

Gamehawk all you need to do is make his collar higher.