Murder In The Night:
Edit:Want an ad for TGTV, use one of my screenies from the game and advertise it!Original Post:—–My new game, codename "Murder in the Night" is looking pretty good. You might be interested to know that this is going to be one of the most unique games made in GM recently. I'm not saying it's going to be better, but the idea is superb. It's a mystery game, with a style of gameplay similar to Leisure Suit Larry. It's going to be awesome! Here are some screenies:<img src="" /><i>Walking Around.</i><img src=""/><i>Dialog.</i><img src=""/><i>Suitcase view. Holds items.</i>More Info:Project Name: Murder in the Night (Codename)Author: gamehawkProgress: Not documented.Screenshots: 3 See AboveWork Started: June 26, 2006Release Date Estimation: UnknownStory: A woman is found murdered in an alley behind a movie theater. More information is not given, so as not to spoil the full plot.Thanks for reading and anticpate more news soon!Cheers,gamehawk [:)]
Why is the main character sooooo… happy?
Other than that, awesome concept.Thanks, I can fix his mouth. I don't know, I guess I can make him frown. Glad you like the concept.
Cheers,gamehawk [:)]i was going to say the same. The player is so happy? lol. Also, that knive looks like an arrow.
wait, huh, lol. It is actually the cursor.
No, it's a knife. I should have drawn it better, and I will.
I stand on dead people too
Anyways, what do you think?"oh my shed dead!!" he said with a smile
eh interestin but nothin compared to this game im gonna do but never finish and mostlikely never start. it'll be a VERY creepy horror game.
^Well if you aren't going to start it then I not need wory [;)].Cheers,gamehawk [:)]