Murder in the Night- Beta Version .1 was released:
Murder in the Night:Stats:—–Game Codename: Murder in the NightAuthor: gamehawk (Coding, graphics, all).File Size: 695 kbGM Version: GM 5.3AScreen Resolution: 640x480Changes Screen Resolution: NoDownload Link: HereCurrent Beta: Version .1Screenshots:1,2,3 (Old),4,5 (New).—–Blogs:My Blog Check for updates.Specific Blogs:Blog #1Blog #2—–Reviews:[None Yet]—–More Info:Work Started: June 26, 2006Release Date Estimation: UnknownStory: A woman is found murdered in an alley behind a movie theater. More information is not given, so as not to spoil the full plot.—–Advertising:Preview:
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Pretty cool. It would be better if you had walking animatinos not just his fett but seems neat either way. Can't wait.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! If only the GMC saw it in this light :P. Not like the posted on it much anyways. If anyone can, drop in a word for me. Thanks a ton!
Cheers,gamehawk [:)]Will play it later and, you know, comment and such.
^Okay, thanks.