Full entry is <a href="http://gamehawk.wordpress.com/2006/08/22/assembler-and-os-programming-vbscript-and-gml-and-an-e-zine/">here</a>, topic with info is <a href="http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=236823&pid=1651363&st=0entry1651363">here</a>, and excerpt, well, it really is here (okay below):
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking/working. I’ll start from the beginning. Yesterday after looking at the bootloader I decided to learn some Assembler(Asm) before moving onto actually coding my own bootloader and learning more about the kernel. It will definitley be better in the long run. I found a great tutorial, but some of it doesn’t work with NASM, so I got A86. It can generate objects so I could use it to write an OS. Not sure if I will though. Anyways, I also had a bright(wink) idea to make a script that can use the SAPI and Microsoft Agent for the wonder game making program Game Maker by Mark Overmars. So I used the built in language GML, and used it to generate VBS script files and execute them during the game since GML is a little limited with internal use. It can use DLL’s and external files well though, opening up a world of possibilties. Some people have their antivirus programs set to alert for VBScript, but there’s no virus. Check for yourself if<a href="http://gamehawk.wordpress.com/2006/08/22/assembler-and-os-programming-vbscript-and-gml-and-an-e-zine/">[MORE]</a>—That's all, comment on my blog here or WordPress (WordPress appreciated).Cheers,gamehawk
sounds awesome… i won't dl just yet though, i'm a bit busy…
hmm… make GM talk, sounds like you want to interrogate it…
Ah yes… VBS. I already had a chat with you about that [=)].