Posted by gamez93 on Nov. 11, 2007, 10:58 a.m.

Yep, I own - I bought it and was going to use it as a 'Free GM Website Hosting Site' but the host I was using, was just not the best. I then planned on doing a GM Team Building Site, that also gave you tools to work on your games. So both of those didn't work out aswell as I hoped, so know I need a new idea, and this time I am going to plan it through and get it started well.

I am asking all of you, if you could please come up with an idea for what can be. Just like is a blogging site, what would you like to see become.

So just drop a comment here, and it could be the idea that i choose to use. Full credit will be given, if your idea is used.


Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

Mmh…not even up yet? I'm seeing a list of files closely resembling 64Digits' user file viewers.

If it's used for tools, try getting a hold of some resources first. By the description you're giving, though, you make it sound a lot like a GM team workshop-type thing.

gamez93 17 years, 3 months ago

I dont think you read my blog correctly, or I didn't write it that well.

I am asking all of you, if you could please come up with an idea for what can be. Just like 64digits is a blogging site, what would you like to see become.

Thats the question, and I will edit my blog so its clearer.

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

If you do music resources on it, I will shoot you.

gamez93 17 years, 3 months ago

@flashback - I am not good at making music, so there is a very high chance, that, that wont happen.

Do you have any ideas of things I should actually do. Thanks

Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

Ah, I see now. Well the "tools" thing threw me off. Try not to make a copy of 64D is all.

If you're not trying to do things in a community-type method, my site is meant to be a server host for my games. But by the sound of it, it's more for people than game servers.

@flashback: We all want a second MusicLib, huh? Time to visit, then, I guess.

Wait, broken again? <_<

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

Well, APlus completely screwed up my hosting, so I got a tarball of the site and all so I can transfer over to an account on the 64digits server… and canadonian has mysteriously disappeared, so I can't transfer it.

Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

Hasn't canadonian been mysteriously disappeared for quite some time now?

Yayz for AplusHost.

gamez93 17 years, 3 months ago

One thing I am going to do, is not do blogs, since thats what 64digits is for.

@flashback - Why dont you try one of those other hosting sites.

Anyone else with ideas.

hogofwar 17 years, 3 months ago

What about a Game Maker search engine?

you integrate loads of different GM website that contain search into one and also include an online version of the GM documentation for it to search as well.

I could help program it if you want to.

gamez93 17 years, 3 months ago

That seems like a good idea, the search engine - but it has kinda been done -

Also I was thinking about a GM Scool, GM Shack sounds like a great name, we just keep things simple, alot of people have tried, but aimed to high. What do you think about that?